Beware the Corona Virus, it's the first aid to overcome it

What do you remember when I heard a corona word? Sure, this is not the kind of car that Nganjuk in the 90 's. This time, we are dealing with coronaviruses. At the beginning of 2020, the Asian community was the renown of the emergence of viruses. How dangerous and how to handle it?

The disease is thought to derive from the Coronavirus. Of course, this makes several people curious about parasites that could interfere with this health.

Beware the Corona Virus, it's the first aid to overcome it | GOLELY

Where did the Coronavirus outbreak appear?

Do you also wonder why coronaviruses can be a plague that must be considered specifically?

Reported from The Guardian, around 41 people were diagnosed with pneumonia in an almost adjacent time. The sufferers live near the fish market of Wuhan City, China. At that time, the cause was still mysterious.

Until Monday (13/01), seven people were still in critical condition. Meanwhile, based on laboratory analysis, health officials in China and the World Health Organization (WHO) have concluded, infections similar to pneumonia are caused by a coronavirus.

The latest Data on Thursday (16/01) mentions that two coronavirus patients passed away. Meanwhile, five other people are still in critical condition. Then, 12 people were declared healed and were out of the hospital.

Why be aware of the Coronavirus?

Reported from The New York Times, a coronavirus patient was reportedly detected in Thailand last week. These patients had previously visited the Wuhan area. Walking in traditional markets is likely that some of the goods sold were infected with the parasite.

A similar report regarding coronavirus patients also came from Japan. (6/1), a Chinese man living in Kanagawa Prefecture has positively declared mysterious pneumonia.

The man had a fever after traveling to Wuhan city, China. However, this coronavirus patient is cured after five days.

Enhanced alertness at the airport to people coming from China, Thailand, and Japan. Security is also tightened with encouragement to install thermal scanners, especially at airports.

How is Corona Virus infection?

This virus is still a family with MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) and SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome).

For information, the word corona in the virus is derived from the Latin meaning crown. Named Corona according to the form of the virus that is seen using a microscope looks like a crown.

Coronavirus was first isolated in 1965. This Virus is taken from a child's nasal fluid with cold symptoms. Usually, a cold caused by Rhinovirus or influenza virus.

But unfortunately, until now, doctors are still difficult to distinguish between symptoms of rhinovirus infection, influenza virus, and coronavirus.

This coronavirus strikes into breathing. So the disease is like a flu but a worse version if arguably.

The Corona Virus can be transmitted from the animal to the person. Usually, the animal is a cat. However, there can also be human beings. For example, through sneezing or exposed to the sufferer.

Associated symptoms, Coronavirus resembles a common cold, such as fever, cough. Only, this virus usually causes the sufferer to have a shortness of breath alias very difficult to breathe. Until if severe can cause pneumonia, infection in the lungs.

Due to the usual flu, this disease is very dangerous. We usually do not know the affected corona or not. If exposed, it should be isolated immediately because the fear occurs the spread. To prevent this, do not go to endemic countries. Make sure to wash your hands, keep them clean, and mask the main way to prevent them.

Be careful also eat meat that is raw because the spread can be from animals. Although most viruses happen because of cats.

This is first aid when infected with Coronavirus

Surely all nobody wants to be affected by this disease. The disease is very dangerous. It becomes dangerous because it looks like an ordinary flu that makes us frequent.

If it is exposed to coronaviruses, there is first aid you can do. Here's how:
  • Enough rest. Do not activity first before recovering.
  • Drink plenty of water. Recommended for eight glasses per day.
  • Taking a fever reduction medication, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.

If the situation is difficult because of the tightness of his breathing, the stem of severe thirst really, and the decline of consciousness should be taken directly to the hospital. This is because the person affected by this virus must be isolated.

Yes, in this case, alertness is the most major thing of us all. If you find yourself or a person around the flu and you have to complain about shortness of breath, immediately take medication to the doctor to confirm the illness.