Prevent coronavirus with nutritious food

Until now no vaccine or treatment has been found against coronaviruses. However, nutritious food can strengthen the body's endurance and prevent infection.

I have not seen any signs of the infective phenomenon of Coronavirus infection. This virus transmission continues.

Until now, the latest data from the WHO showed the case of coronavirus infection has reached the number of thousands worldwide with the number of deaths reaching hundreds of patients. Most cases occur in China, with a percentage of 99%. The rest of, 28 countries have confirmed the presence of Coronavirus infection.

Prevent coronavirus with nutritious food | GOLELY

A glimpse of the Coronavirus

Although it has been reported a lot, it does not hurt if you know more details about this coronavirus. Coronavirus is a single-stranded RNA virus derived from the family Coronaviridae.

In the Coronaviridae group, there are four groups, Alphacoronavirus, Betacoronavirus, gammacoronaviruses, and DeltaCoronavirus. The four subtypes differ in their pathological terms.

2019 Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Novel Virus included in the Betacoronavirus group. Other viruses in this group are Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV) and the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV). The two have also been the same in some countries in the world, respectively, in the years 2002 and 2012.

Generally, 2019-nCoV attacks the respiratory tract, especially the lower respiratory tract. The symptoms of pneumonia are therefore symptomatic.

The severity posed by this virus is much lighter than SARS or MERS. However, this virus is very aggressive and can be transmitted rapidly.

The symptoms that can arise in Coronavirus infections are high fever, cough, chills, colds, watery nose, and shortness of breath. When worsening, such symptoms can be degenerating to cause a failure to breathe even death.

Another complication that can occur in a Coronavirus infection is a secondary infection due to other germs. This also causes worsening of the condition to occur faster.

Update the research on Corona Virus infection medication

To date, researchers are continuing to shake my head to find Coronavirus infection treatment. Because the disease is caused by viruses, antibiotics are not able to handle the disease.

Meanwhile, anti-virus has not been there that effectively cures coronavirus infection. Similarly, the specific prevention of vaccine use is still being researched.

There has been no coronavirus special vaccine that can be used to prevent this viral infection. Therefore, if a person is infected with the Coronavirus, the step taken is to provide supportive therapy that can overcome the symptoms and sustain the patient's organs to remain able to function optimally.

For prevention, the best-recommended way is to actively take precautions. Both the CDC and the WHO suggest that everyone notices self-hygiene.

The steps are hand washing, avoiding travel to places with coronavirus infections, doing the right way of coughing and sneezing, and maintaining the body's resistance to avoid infectious diseases.

High-nutritious food can prevent Coronaviruses

In maintaining endurance, food plays an important role. A strong immune system requires a healthy intake as well.

Various studies of animals have shown, the lack of several micronutrients (micronutrients) such as zinc, selenium, iron, folic acid, and various vitamins can alter the animal's immune response.

Is the same effect can happen to humans? Not yet known clearly. However, this could be to describe what is happening with human immunity when micronutrient deficiency. 

Therefore, it is very important to keep your food intake when you want to stay healthy and avoid the threat of Coronaviruses. This does not necessarily mean having to consume vitamin and mineral supplements. The best source remains from groceries.

So, what foods can help maintain endurance? Here are some of them.

  • Orange

Oranges are rich in vitamin C. Nutrients are important in the body's immune system, especially in the formation of white blood cells. Other sources of vitamin C that can be consumed are guava, mangosteen, and grapes.

  • Broccoli

Vegetables that are often included in the list of superfoods are rich in vitamins and minerals. Broccoli contains vitamins A, C, and E which are antioxidants and can maintain the condition of the body. Also, fibers in broccoli and other green vegetables are important to maintain digestive tract health.

  • Red meat

Red meat and liver contain high minerals, such as iron and zinc. Both of these substances are essential for metabolic processes in the human body. Also, meat is a good source of protein as a source of calories for activity.

  • Nuts

Almon nuts, cashews, and various other nuts are rich in vitamin E which is an antioxidant for the body's immune system. Also, nuts contain good fats (unsaturated fats) that can maintain the health of the blood vessels.

  • Various types of fish

Not only rich in protein, but fish also contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that are excellent for body endurance, heart conditions, and blood vessels.

To get a healthy body does not depend on one factor. Similarly to prevent the occurrence of Coronavirus infection. Consuming food above course is not a guarantee one will be completely free of Coronavirus infection.

By consuming healthy food, applying a clean lifestyle, exercise routine, and other preventive measures suggested by experts, it is expected that the body endurance will increase. This will reduce the risk of having a coronavirus infection with severe symptoms going downhill.