4 Best drinks to replace body fluids during diarrhea

If diarrhea is not treated immediately, it will result in dehydration. This is the best drink to replace body fluids during diarrhea.

Diarrhea is an increased movement of the intestines, more than usual. This condition can result in a person becoming more frequent bowel movements.

As bowel movements become increased, automatic bowel ability to absorb water is reduced. As a result, when you defecate, many bodily fluids are wasted because they are not absorbed well.

Ongoing diarrhea can cause the body to lose fluid and dehydration. If dehydration is left, this condition can be harmful to the body.

4 Best drinks to replace body fluids during diarrhea | GOLELY

Diarrhea at a glance

Diarrhea is the discharge of dilute or liquid-shaped feces, with frequencies three times or more often. Diarrhea is most often caused by the consumption of foods contaminated with germs. 

Other conditions that can also be the cause of diarrhea, namely:

  • Psychological factors, such as feelings of excessive anxiety
  • Consuming drinks containing alcohol
  • Food allergies
  • Appendectomy
  • Drug Side effects
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Chron disease
  • Irritable bowel syndrome disease (IBS)
  • Consumption of laxatives.

Diarrhea can lead to a lot of body fluid discharge, accompanied by loss of appetite. This condition can gradually cause dehydration or lack of fluid.

If it is dehydration, diarrhea sufferers will experience additional symptoms. Some of these symptoms are:

  • Infrequent urination
  • Dry mouth
  • Crying without tears
  • Bloody stool, red or black color
  • Eyes and stomach appear concave
  • The body is very weak.

Diarrhea and body fluids

By the time you experience diarrhea, the fluid that should be absorbed by the body becomes wasted. This can be very dangerous if the discharge fluid is not replaced.

In a state of severe dehydration, the quickest way to restore a lost fluid is through the administration of a large amount of fluid infusion. However, who wants to undergo this fluid infusion process if actual dehydration can be prevented?

When diarrhea starts to occur, try to immediately replace the fluid that is out of every defecation. The more frequent the exhaust frequency, the more often you have to drink.

What drinks are good for replacing body fluids that are lost during diarrhea?

1. White Water

White water is the best liquid to prevent dehydration from diarrhea. Besides being easily obtained, consuming water is also very good for the kidney.

When experiencing diarrhea, you should increase the consumption of white water more than usual. For example, if you usually drink water as much as 1.5 liters per day, when your diarrhea increases the consumption of water to 2-2.5 liters.

Do the steps to keep the fluid in the body even if diarrhea persists.

2. Coconut water

Coconut water is a natural fluid that is rich in electrolytes, especially potassium and magnesium. In heavier diarrhea, the body electrolyte will begin to suffer from interference.

Usually, white water alone is not enough to replace it. Therefore, the addition of pure coconut water consumption can be very helpful to restore the lost electrolyte fluid.

If the body electrolyte is disrupted and not immediately replaced, you can experience symptoms such as a limy body, shaking hands, including difficulty concentrating. When the electrolyte disturbance is very severe, it can cause heart disorders.

3. Broth

Broth made from bones (chicken, cow, etc.) are boiled with very good drinking water for consumption, especially when you are dehydrated.

The broth contains proteins and amino acids that are very easy to digest, so it does not burden bowel work. Not only is the protein, the broth is also rich in other minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium.

4. Oral Fluid

Liquid Ors is a fluid that can be made easily to prevent and overcome dehydration. Simply the Ors can be made from a mixture of white water, salt, and sugar.

The combination of these three ingredients contains minerals from the water, electrolytes from salt, and energy brought from the sugar content.

Salts can improve the transport and absorption of sugar through cell membranes. Sugar in the solution of NaCl (salt Kitchen) also efficacious increase the absorption of water in the intestinal wall strongly, so that the process of dehydration can be reduced or overcome.

Keep in mind, the Ors does not stop diarrhea but replace the lost body fluid with feces. By replacing the body fluid, dehydration can be avoided.

During patients with diarrhea can still drink, then drink as often as possible to avoid loss of fluid, which can result in dehydration.

If the diarrhea is heavy and makes the sufferer can not drink, too limp, even unconscious, immediately take it to the hospital. Thus, patients will get fluid therapy through infusion to restore lost body fluids.