7 Foods that can help keep heart healthy

Not only good for health, these seven foods are also good for heart health. Anything, you can try it and apply this food menu.

The heart is one organ in the human body that has a vital role. The reason is, the heart is responsible for supplying blood to all organs in the body to function optimally. Therefore, maintaining heart health is very important. Not only through life patterns, but also healthy and nutritious food. 

One heart problem that is often experienced is coronary heart disease. Coronary heart disease occurs due to plaque on blood vessels. These plaques are formed from the bad cholesterol of foods that settle in a long period.

7 Foods that can help keep heart healthy | GOLELY

Healthy Food for Cardiovascular health

So, anything, anyway, foods can you consume to maintain heart health? Let's see the explanation below.


Fish contains healthy fats needed to protect the health of the blood vessels and the heart. You can choose a fish with a good omega 3 content for cardiovascular health. For example, salmon fish, herring and trout.

Also, reported by Cleveland Clinic, fatty fish like tuna contain enough protein to protect cardiovascular health. If you don't like eating whole fish, you can mix it up in salads or sandwiches as a menu of everyday snacks.


Not only fish, but avocado fruit also contains unsaturated fats that are good for protecting the heart. Also, avocado contains electrolytes named potassium that can help prevent heart disease and blood vessels.

Not stopping there, avocado also contains high antioxidants that serve to protect the heart and other body parts.


Beans are already proven medically able to improve the health of the human body, including cardiovascular health. Naturally, nuts have unsaturated fat content, low calorie, fiber, and also high antioxidants.

Nuts, such as Almon, soy, and cashews, are the best nut choices that you can eat every day as a healthy snack. 

Whole wheat 

Whole wheat has the content of vitamins, minerals, and fibers that are capable of maintaining cardiovascular health.

A study published in the American Journal of Nutrition found that wheat OIC type is effective for lowering cholesterol levels. However, avoid adding excessive sweetener into your wheat.


Tomatoes contain antioxidant high lycopene, which is useful to protect your heart.

Besides helping to maintain heart health, tomatoes can also prevent different types of cancer that may develop in your body.

Olive oil

Olive oil is a type of healthy oil that has a protective effect on the health of the veins and heart. Therefore, this oil is very good to serve as a mixture of salads or to stir-fry food.

Low-Fat dairy products

If you want to use dairy products, use dairy products with low-fat content. That way, you will reduce your intake of fat into the body and maintain heart health.

Healthy food coupled with a good living pattern is the best weapon to maintain heart health. So, to keep your heart in shape, do an active lifestyle. One of them is regular exercise. Try at least exercise for 150 minutes per week with moderate-intensity physical activity, such as jogging, running and swimming.