8 Natural breast milk boosters consumed while breastfeeding

Your maternal milk amount suddenly decreases? Don't Panic! There are eight natural breast milk boosters to increase breast milk production and improve its quality.

During the lactation process, not infrequently mothers suffer the lack of breast milk production. This condition is heavily influenced by many factors. For example, maternal health, stress levels, breastfeeding techniques, to the type of food the mother consumed. Usually, many Busui then looks for breast milk booster.

There are currently a lot of breast milk boosters that are sold freely in the form of milk, tea, and supplements. However, the breast milk booster has a price that is not cheap.

8 Natural breast milk boosters consumed while breastfeeding | GOLELY

To Families, you can try a breast milk booster from natural ingredients. Besides being cheaper, the ingredients used are relatively safe and minimal cause side effects.

Natural ingredients for breast milk enhancer

So, what are the natural ingredients for the mother's breast milk production? Let's check some of the material, who knows what's in your kitchen.

1. Dark-colored vegetables

Mandatory foods that need mothers daily consumption are different types of vegetables. Lettuce, kale, broccoli, dwarf leaves, and spinach are high in calcium.

Also, the content of phytoestrogens in dark vegetables is beneficial to improve breast milk production. Katuk leaves are not a foreign vegetable for Indonesian people.

The Katuk leaves have long been believed to have the benefit to facilitate the production of breast milk. Based on research, the Katuk leaf can increase the production of prolactin hormones and oxytocin which plays an important role in the breastfeeding process.

2. Whole Wheat

When breastfeeding, mothers are advised to consume whole grain as a source of carbohydrates other than white rice. Whole grain can be obtained in the form of oatmeal, cereal, and wheat bread.

In addition to carbohydrates, wheat contains adequate fiber, folic acid, and good iron to improve breast milk quality.

3. Nuts

Who does not like nuts, like Almon nuts, garbanzo nuts (chickpeas), peanuts, and other nuts? If you're the one who doesn't like the different types of nuts, you might now consider trying to love it.

The reason, in the nuts there are high protein content and good calcium for breast milk. The content of Galactagogue in beans is also good for increasing breast milk production.

4. Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds are often used as a complement to cuisine. Sesame seeds are included one of the natural breast milk boosters that mothers can consume.

Sesame seeds contain high calcium and galactagogue can affect the amount of breast milk. Mothers can consume sesame seeds directly or add them as complementary ingredients to dishes and salads.

5. Garlic

Garlic is one of the spices that is believed to lower blood pressure, prevent infection, and lower cholesterol levels.

In addition to these benefits, garlic can be consumed by breastfeeding mothers because it is believed to stimulate breast milk production. Nevertheless, you need to be careful in consuming garlic.

If it is too excessive, garlic can change the smell and taste of breast milk. As a result, babies do not want to breastfeed and cause colic complaints on the little.

6. Cumin

Caraway, or known as cumin, is one of the spices that is often used in cooking. Not only the seeds as a spice of the kitchen, but the leaves can also be consumed.

Consuming cumin leaves can be believed to increase breast milk production. Estrogen content in this plant is capable of stimulating breast milk production.

7. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is one type of herb that is often used to increase breast milk production. This herb is still included in the legumes and has 
Typical smell resembling maple syrup.

This herb has long been a choice of traditional medicine to cope with menstrual pains, sore throat, and cough. Same with Almon nut and other beans, fenugreek also has a content of galactagogue that can increase breast milk production.

However, in some people, fenugreek can cause side effects. Although rare, the consumption of fenugreek may exacerbation of symptoms of asthma, urine, and sweet-smelling maple syrup, as well as diarrhea.

8. Ginger

Not only increases body endurance and reduces nausea, ginger can also accelerate recovery after childbirth and increase breast milk production.

Although beneficial, nursing mothers should still limit the amount. Consuming too much ginger can lead to diarrhea complaints, flatulence, and increase the risk of bleeding.

Some of the natural breast milk boosters above are worth a try when you experience the drag of breast milk production. However, increasing the production of breast milk is not only through the breast milk booster. Get breastfeeding and empty the breasts, do a healthy lifestyle, take enough rest, and massage the breasts routinely to launch breast milk.