Menopause in men, know the symptoms and its

Menopause in men or andropause is a condition of decreased testosterone hormone related to aging. This condition is different from menopause in women.

Menopause in men, have you ever imagined that the condition is really real? Menopause in men does exist and is known by the term andropause.

Menopause in men or andropause is a condition of decreased testosterone hormones that occur as you age. This condition is very much different from menopause in women.

Menopause in men, know the symptoms and its | GOLELY

In the menopause of women, this condition occurs due to the end of the ovulation process followed by the decline of hormones in a short time.

Meanwhile, andropause in men occurs due to hormone production and testosterone bioavailability that decreases slowly and gradually.

Therefore, changes in sexual function, energy levels and mood swings due to andropause often occur unconsciously.

Andropause Symptoms in men

Decreased testosterone hormones in men will occur slowly. After a man is over 30 years old, the testosterone hormone will decline as much as 1% per year. 

However, when it reaches the age of 70 years, a decrease in testosterone in men will reach 50%.

The following are signs and symptoms of andropause in men, which are in line with decreasing levels of testosterone in the body:

1. Decreased sexual arousal

The most significant andropause symptom in men is the decline in desire for sexual intercourse.

This condition occurs as a result of decreased levels of testosterone, which is also the sex hormone in men.

2. Erectile Dysfunction

Low testosterone levels can cause men's ability to perform spontaneous erections to be greatly reduced.

Menopausal men also have difficulty in erection and maintain it. In medical, this condition is known by the term erectile dysfunction or impotence.

3. Sleep disorders

Low testosterone levels can make men experience a change in sleep due to sleep disorders.

Some sleep disorders can occur due to menopause in men, such as insomnia and easy drowsiness during the day.

4. Body shape Changes

Decreasing testosterone hormone is in line with shrining muscle mass and bone density.

Conversely, the fat content in the body is increasing even though the appetite is relatively low.

5. Hair Loss

The increasing age, the higher the level of hair loss experienced by men.

As it turns out, this state is in line with decreased levels of testosterone that are part of the menopause sign in men.

6. Difficulty in controlling emotions

Testosterone levels continue to diminish as the age is directly proportional to the man's ability to control his emotions.

Therefore, a man who has experienced menopause tends to have difficulty controlling his emotions and moods.

7. Depression

As it has been mentioned before, andropause can cause emotion and mood swings in men.

If the man is completely missing control over his temper, depression could have happened to him.

8. Excessive sweating at night

The andropause sign of this one is similar to a hot flashes complaint that occurs in menopausal women.

Because Andropause can also make a man produce a lot of sweat, especially at night.

9. Easy to forget

The closer the elderly period, the more the brain functions in some men.

No wonder, some men who have old age tend to be easy to forget and difficult to concentrate. Although it can be influenced by other factors, this condition is also related to andropause symptoms, you know!

10. Irregular heartbeat

It is thought that a decrease in testosterone levels in the male body also affects the function of the heart to pump blood.

Therefore, menopause in men may cause an irregular heartbeat.

11. Breast enlargement or gynecomastia

Not unexpectedly, it turns out that andropause can cause breast augmentation in men.

Medically refers to this condition as gynecomastia, which is also influenced by weight gain and old age.

How to Overcome Andropause

Are you a man who feels I have experienced symptoms and signs of andropause like the above? If so, here's what you can do next:

  • Consult a physician

The first thing that must be done when you experience the andropause sign in men is to consult a doctor. 

This action is done to identify the actual conditions you're experiencing while looking for the best way to solve it.

The doctor may also provide therapies to help control the complaints you are experiencing.

  • Apply a healthy lifestyle

It is important to strive to apply a healthy lifestyle, especially when you are at dusk. 

A healthy lifestyle, including keeping a diet, exercising regularly, simply resting, avoiding cigarettes and alcohol, can prove to maintain the health of the outside and inside body.

  • Being open to couples and families

If you find it difficult to control emotions, be unconfident, feel eliminated or ignored anymore, don't hesitate to talk about this to your spouse or family.

Looking for the motivation of loved ones can help you rise from the sense of repercussions and depression caused by andropause.

  • Avoid taking medication without a doctor's advice

Never think of taking medication recklessly, even if the drug is deemed to help reduce complaints during the time of Andropause.

The use of conventional medicines or herbal herbs should be consulted by the doctor to determine the benefits and potential side effects caused.

Menopause in men is a condition that cannot be avoided. However, you can still control this condition in order not to affect the overall quality of life.

Do not hesitate to cure your doctor if you experience any annoying signs of andropause. Do not let menopause in men interfere with your enjoyment of enjoying the evening.