4 Breast Cancer Trigger foods

Lifestyle factors, such as food, become one of the causes of breast cancer. What intake can trigger breast cancer?

One of the causes of breast cancer is a genetic disorder (heredity). However, the number is very small, which is about 5-10 percent. The rest is caused by external factors, namely lifestyle, and environment, including food. What intake can trigger breast cancer?

4 Breast Cancer Trigger foods | GOLELY

Cancer with the most female sufferers
Breast cancer is cancer that becomes a scourge for women all over the world. Based on statistical data, breast cancer is the number one type of cancer most suffered by women around the world.

Breast cancer arises when the cells in the breast tissue change properties and grow uncontrolled. These cells can divide rapidly, form bumps, and damage surrounding tissues.

In fact, these malignant cells can enter the blood vessels and lymph tract, then spread to other organs and lymph nodes.

Big influential external factors
As mentioned above, the risk factors that play a big role in breast cancer are external factors, the environment, and lifestyle. These factors are due to radiation exposure to the chest, obesity, and undergoing hormonal therapy.

Also, food is known to have a 30-40 percent contribution to cancer events. That is why, to reduce the risk of breast cancer, avoid and restrict the consumption of the following types of intake:

1. Sugar
In a study in 2016, rats eating sugar-rich foods were more likely to develop a mammary gland tumor similar to breast cancer in humans. Also, these tumors are more likely to spread or metastasize.

Therefore, sugar is a food that should be avoided and restricted to prevent the risk of breast cancer.

2. Alcohol
A study found that there was a link between regular alcohol consumption and an increased risk of breast cancer. As reported by breastcancer.org, alcohol can increase estrogen levels and cause DNA damage.

Women who consume alcohol times a week can increase the risk of breast cancer by 15 percent. It is estimated that this risk rises by about 10 percent each additional glass consumed.

3. Saturated fats and trans fats
You are advised to reduce the maximum fat consumption 30 g per day, and reduce the consumption of saturated fats and trans fats. This type of fat is widely found in foods such as margarine, butter, cakes, biscuits, chips, and fried foods.

To reduce fat, you can also consume low-fat and skin-less meat, as well as low-fat milk. Avoid processed meats such as sausages, ham, bacon, and smoked meats, as they usually contain high salt and preservatives.

4. Red meat
Some studies have found the link between red meat and increased risk of breast cancer. This is because basically, red meat contains cholesterol and saturated fat is quite high.

Especially if you consume processed red meat that tends to be higher in fat, salt, and preservatives. You are more advised to minimize food processing to make it healthier.

It is better to consume healthy and natural foods. 

For example, vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grain (brown rice and wheat bread, wheat paste, oatmeal), olive oil, and fish – such as a Mediterranean dietary composition. Yes, this diet has been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer.

In addition to avoiding foods that can trigger breast cancer above, you are also expected to continue to live a healthy life. It's a regular exercise, avoiding stress, and avoiding cigarette exposure. Also, do regular medical examinations to detect cancer cells early.