Check your signs of excess sugar

Excessive consumption of sugar is not good because it increases the risk of disease. Beware of the body shows a sign of excess sugar.

Your sugar lover and sweet food? If yes, be careful. Excess consumption of sugar is not good for the body. In addition to increasing the risk of disease, excess sugar intake can increase body fat. There are a few signs of excess sugar that you need to know. If you experience it, you should consult a doctor.

Check your signs of excess sugar | GOLELY

The importance of sugar

Before knowing the signs of excess sugar, you should know that sugar basically has an important role in the body. Without sugar, organs in the body — especially the brain — can not work normally according to its function.

The main function of sugar is to provide energy for physiological processes, such as respiration, contraction, and muscle relaxation, heart rhythm, and regulation of body temperature. Well, sugar and carbohydrates supply about half of the total energy needed by the body.

Furthermore, the brain, neurons, and blood cells are some parts of the body that require sugar. To be able to develop, the brain, neurons, and blood cells utilize glucose as energy. If there is no intake of sugar into the body, all three parts of the body will utilize glycogen by splitting the muscle tissue.

Signs of excess sugar

Although sugar is needed a body, that does not mean you can be as good as stomach consuming sugar, yes! In the past, high consumption of sugar can bring several health problems.

The signs that need to be wary of are as follows:

1. Gain Weight
Gaining weight — even up to obesity — is a noticeable impact when consuming too much sugar. If left constantly, you risk experiencing diabetes mellitus and heart disorders.

When experiencing diabetes mellitus, weight loss can suddenly go down drastically without any obvious reason, when you eat quite a lot. This occurs because insulin levels are not able to metabolize glucose, so the body switches to fat-burning to maintain cell metabolism.

2. Often feeling thirsty
People who consume too much sugar will also feel thirsty even if they drink quite a lot. 

Not only is it often thirsty, but the mouth will also feel drier too. You can also urinate more often.

Not without reason, it could happen. Kidney function will be interrupted shortly after the body is no longer able to control blood sugar in the body. The fluid is supposed to be reabsorbed by the kidneys, just out together with sugar.

3. Easy to get tired and the brain doesn't work well
Normally, sugar will be converted into energy when the amount that goes into the body in the normal category. However, if the sugar is in excess body, it will damage the insulin working system so that it cannot turn it into energy.

The brain needs glucose to work better. But when the glucose enters excessively and can not be converted into energy, then the brain will be most affected. The brain's work system is weakened and causes the brain to function properly and properly.

4. Mood Swings
Are you lately so more often angry with no obvious cause? If yes, then this could be another sign of excess sugar in the body. 

Ever heard of the term sugar crash? This is the condition when blood sugar rises and then drops rapidly due to the consumption of sugar. It turns out that this condition can cause weakness, mood swings, and brain fog (the brain "foggy" that causes difficult focus, hard to digest information, and easy to forget).

Also, consuming too much sugar can cause anxiety and interfere with the body's ability to cope with stress. 

5. Blurred vision
In addition to disrupting health from the body, consuming too much sugar can also interfere with the sensory system. One is the eye. 

Glucose that is not properly distributed to the eye will cause vision to be blurred and unclear. As a result, you are so difficult to concentrate when working or when doing other activities.

If you have any of the above signs, beware! It could be natural excess sugar. Start reducing sugar intake from both food and drink. Replace the granulated sugar with honey and sweet chocolate snacks with dark chocolate. Remember, do not immediately trim the sugar from the daily meal menu, because the body still requires an adequate amount of sugar.