Don't be a shovel, arthritis can strike all ages

Must you ever hear about arthritis or inflammation joints? Beware, it turns out this problem could strike age.

During this time many people consider arthritis or inflammation of the joints as a disease that is identical to old age diseases. But don't think this disease can only attack those who are old age! Apparently, different types of joint inflammation can attack all ages, even children.

Don't be a shovel, arthritis can strike all ages | GOLELY

Types of arthritis

Several types of arthritis can happen at a younger age, even children. Read the full explanation below.

1. Juvenile Rheumatoid arthritis
Inflammation of the joints is not a monopoly of old age. One example of joint inflammation that can occur at the age of children is juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA). 

This disease is an inflammation of the joints affecting the entire body joints. Also, JRA is included in autoimmune diseases, where the sufferer's body defense system will carry out attacks on normal cells.

The symptoms of JRA include a high fever that will get worse at night, a missing rash, and swelling in the entire body. 

This joint inflammation can occur in the knees and wrists. The sufferer will feel pain and stiffness in the joints involved.

2. Rheumatoid Arthritis
One of the usual joint diseases of attacking the adult age is rheumatoid arthritis. In this type of arthritis, the body's defense system considers the synovial membrane (joint coating and lubricating) in the joints as a foreign object for the body, so that it should be treated. 

Membrane damage is what then causes symptoms of swelling and pain in the joints of the sufferer.

Until now, the cause of the disruption of the body's defense system is not known for sure. However, research on rheumatoid arthritis suggests that several factors can increase the risk of a person being affected by the disease. 

Some of these risk factors are female gender, age 40 – 60, and have a family history of experiencing rheumatoid arthritis.

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are the stiffness of the joints felt in the morning. 

This joint disorder usually occurs in the fingers of the hands, wrists, and feet. The affected joints are usually symmetrical. Also, joints can be painful and swollen.

3. Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is an ordinary disease that affects people from the range of 40-50 years old. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease associated with joint damage. 

The most common symptom of patients with osteoarthritis is a pain in the joints. This pain arises from disorders of the bones, joints or synovial membranes, and muscle spasm around the joints. 

The disease can attack all joints, but the most commonly affected part is the joints that sustain the weight burden, such as the pelvis, knees, and spinal joints.

4. Arthritis Gout
Gout is a joint inflammation caused by the buildup of uric crystals in joints. The symptom of gout is pain and swelling in the typical joints. 

Why is it so special? Because, this joint pain is sudden and attacks a small joint with a distinctive location, such as the toe of the thumb joint. In acute attacks, gout sufferers can complain of symptoms of fever and severe pain that usually lasts for several hours to several days.

In commemoration of World Arthritis Day, let's raise awareness about the disease, both for the sufferer and the general public. Remember, arthritis is not only identical to the elderly, but it can also attack all ages. So, if you have repeated joint pain complaints, you should immediately consult your doctor to get a proper diagnosis and treatment. For the sufferers, be assured that treatment is available for arthritis.