How to lose weight the obese child

Losing the weight of children who are obese can not be haphazard. The reason, the extreme decline will interfere with growth and development.

Data shows, the rate of obesity in children increasingly increasing. Changes in habits and lifestyles are some of the factors that cause obesity in children. As a parent, you should actively look for ways to lose excess weight in children.

To commemorate World Obesity Day, you need to know that childhood obesity will cause a variety of health complications, both short-term and long-term impacts. Call it the symptoms of type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure or hypertension, asthma, up to psychological disorders such as minder and depression.

How to lose weight the obese child | GOLELY

Despite the danger, but weight loss child should be done safely and slowly, which is about 0.5-1 kg per month in children 6-11 years. Because however, you should remember that the child is still in its infancy. Do not be too extreme weight loss even disrupts child growth and development.

How to lose weight safely

Losing weight programs in childhood obesity is not easy. It takes great intentions, diligence, and support from people around them. Here's a description of some ways to lose weight in childhood obesity.

1. Changing the Diet

Dietary changes are the primary key to weight loss in children with obesity. Some changes that you can make to lose weight of a child include:
  • Restrict sweet drinks such as soda, sugar added juice, tea or coffee packaging, milkshakes, ice cream, bubble tea, or other sweet drinks.
  • Provide wholesome snacks such as fruits and vegetables. However, avoid giving too sweet fruits such as durian, grapes, and curvature. 
  • Limit the consumption of fast food (fast food) because it contains high levels of fat and sugar.
  • Avoid eating habits or snacking in front of televisions and gadgets. Get a habit of eating together at the dinner table, so you can monitor the child's meal portion.
  • Serve the appropriate portions. Whether eating at home or in the restaurant, make sure the child gets the appropriate portion of food for his age.
  • As a parent, give him an example of healthy eating habits. The child will be easier to change his or her diet if you and/or another family member also apply the same diet.

2. Physical Activity

In addition to regulating diet, physical activity is also very important in helping to lose weight in children who are obese.

Strengthen children's activities. Not only playing outside the house, but you can also invite the little exercise together. Find and develop a physical activity that is a child's hobby, such as cycling, playing in a garden or gardening.

So that the child is not lazy to move, limit the time in front of the screen (telly or gadgets), which is up to 2 hours per day.

3. Medicine

Medications can also be one of the solutions to lower the child with extreme obesity or obesity with complications such as diabetes, hypertension, and increased cholesterol in the blood.

These medications should be administered at the doctor's examination and prescription, to monitor the therapeutic effects and possible side effects.

4. Operation

When the above ways are not successful, surgery is the last thing that can be done to lose weight in children with extreme obesity. The operation in question is the surgical cutting of the colon and/or sewing part of the stomach.

The action aims to reduce intestinal absorption and limit gastric space in terms of accommodating food. Naturally, this surgical action has side effects that should also be considered maturely for children with obesity.

Obesity is a serious medical condition that can affect a child's physical and mental development. For that, do the above ways to help weight loss of children who are obese, before the complications arise. Make sure you do your first consultation with a pediatrician, especially if it needs special treatment.

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