How to lower bladder cancer risk factors

There is one more reason for women quitting smoking. This habit can lower the risk factors of bladder cancer in women.

Not only men, but bladder cancer also attacks women, especially those who experience premature menopause before the age of 40 years. There is one more reason for women quitting smoking because it can lower the risk factor for bladder cancer.

Talking about bladder cancer, this type of cancer is actually rare. It was recorded only about 4.6 percent of new cancer in 2019. Although rare, but according to Dr. Yueyao Li, Ph.D. From the School of Public Health at Indiana University, USA, as reported by WebMD, the cancer mortality rate is significant.

How to lower bladder cancer risk factors | GOLELY

Bladder cancer is the growth of abnormal cells that start from cells in the bladder. The most common symptom complained of is blood in urine, followed by frequent urination, pain when doing so, and back pain.

Cessation of smoking and decrease of bladder cancer risk factors

In the study, one of its premises is that smoking is one of the risk factors of bladder cancer. For this purpose, Dr. Li and his team examined data from about 144,000 long-term female study participants postmenopausal the women's Health Initiative in the US.

The Data gained, amounting to 52.7 percent do not smoke, 40.2 percent of former smokers, and 7.1 percent were active smokers.

Until 28 February 2017, there were 870 cases of bladder cancer among the participants. Compared to those who do not smoke, ex-smokers have a greater risk of bladder cancer is doubling, while the risk of active smokers increases threefold.

Researchers found a decrease of 25 percent among former smokers women after 10 years of termination and continued to decline slowly afterward. Even after 30 years of stopping, former smokers still have a higher risk of having bladder cancer compared to women who have never smoked.

Compared to active smokers, former smokers have a reduced risk to cancer as much as 39 percent, which will continue to decline as time goes by. The report was distributed as of late in the diary "Cancer Prevention Research".

 "Our studies emphasize the importance of prevention of primary (with no smoking) and secondary prevention (with smoking quit) to prevent bladder cancer among women postmenopausal," said Dr. Li. 

Other ways to prevent bladder cancer

Besides quitting smoking, there are other things that women can do to avoid bladder cancer. Some of them are:

1. Drink enough water
Drink a minimum of 2 liters of water per day (8 cups). White water helps to produce cancer-causing chemical compounds. Also, if the body is deficient in liquids, women are likely exposed to larger urinary tract infections.

Keep in mind, chronic urinary tract infections are one of the risk factors of bladder cancer.

2. Strengthen vegetable and fruit
Choose vegetables and fruits containing antioxidants such as carotenoids, vitamin C, minerals, phenols, and flavonoids to fight free radicals.

Cruciferous Types of vegetables (cross vegetables) such as broccoli, cabbage, and kale contain glucosinolate which during the cooking process turn into isothiocyanates, which can provide protection from bladder cancer.

3. Avoid excessive exposure to industrial chemicals
Women working with metal fluids, such as metal workers or machine operators, also have a high risk of bladder cancer. Also, female workers who are exposed to dyes and rubber are at higher risk.

It relates to the exposure duration every day. Avoid exposure to polyaromatic hydrocarbons and arylamine, as they are closely related to bladder cancer. Use complete personal protective equipment if you are working in places that are chemical compounds.

4. Avoid exposure to accents
Arsen increases the risk factor for bladder cancer. Therefore, check the water you drink, because the compound is often encountered. Be safe, drink bottled water or bottles when in doubt the tap water at home is free of Arsen.

One more reason for women to quit smoking immediately is that it can lower the risk of bladder cancer. Do it consistently, and combine it with other healthy lifestyles, so that the body is also protected from many other diseases.