Is there a potent soursop fruit preventing cancer?

Soursop fruits are assessed to prevent cancer. But, is there a growing assumption in society?

Soursop fruit especially the leaves are suspected to have one of the health benefits, namely preventing cancer. It is based on the content of soursop rich in antioxidants, to ward off free radicals that cause the emergence of cancer cells in the body.

There are still many people who choose alternative medicine by taking herbal medicines compared to chemical medicines, one of them in cancer treatment with soursop leaves.

Is there a potent soursop fruit preventing cancer? | GOLELY

Soursop leaves and cancer diseases

The use of soursop leaves for treatment is carried out with various recipes of herbal medicine, one of which by boiling leaves of soursop less than 10 leaves with 3 glasses of water, then the water is drunk as medicine.

The win has been a lot of research conducted related to the use of soursop leaves in treating cancer diseases. The study reported that in soursop leaves there are anti-cancer substances that can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. The content of such substances is Annonaceous acetogenins.

However, the scientific evidence that has been done is still lacking enough and strong to claim the benefits of soursop leaves in cancer treatment and still requires further research.

If you are currently in the period of cancer treatment, focus first on your treatment. Because herbal medicine as an alternative treatment is to maintain health and prevent the emergence of diseases, not as a therapy to cure, replace the drug from a doctor or join the drug from a doctor with the herbal medicine.

Because it is feared when both can interact and cause side effects on the body.

But remember, you should consult a doctor who has been taking care of you if you want to take medication from the fruit of this soursop concurrently with your medication.

If the doctor allows, pay attention to the amount not excessive. Because excessive consumption of soursop leaves can increase the risk of impaired body control and hallucinations.

Also, the use of soursop leaves is not recommended in certain health conditions, such as:
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Is in the treatment of high blood pressure and diabetes.
  • Pregnancy conditions.
  • Nursing mothers.
  • Suffers from impaired liver organs.
  • Suffers from impaired renal organs.

Preventing Cancer Tips

Seeing from various opinions regarding the use of soursop leaves for cancer prevention, of course, does not rely solely on the consumption of soursop leaves. There are several other ways you can apply for cancer to be reluctant to approach, such as:

1. Maintain Food intake

Make sure you consume vegetables and fruits every day because some various vitamins and minerals can prevent cancer.

2. Regular exercise

Regular exercise every day at least 30 minutes can help prevent cancer.

3. Keep your weight ideal

The heavier the body, the higher the risk of cancer. Because high cholesterol content in the body easily makes normal cells in the body become cancerous cells.

4. Avoiding Cigarettes

Substances in cigarettes contain many carcinogens substances, namely substances that can trigger the occurrence of cancer. As much as possible, try to quit smoking.

Some research results do mention the benefits of soursop fruit leaves to prevent cancer. But it's best not that you make the only way to prevent and treat cancer. You are advised to keep a healthy lifestyle every day to avoid harmful diseases.

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