Lose weight, fats or carbohydrates to avoid?

Fats and carbohydrates are important macronutrients. But when it is losing weight, which of the two should be avoided?

In terms of nutrients, fats and carbohydrates are macronutrients needed by the body. But if it is losing weight, which of the two should be avoided?

Lose weight, fats or carbohydrates to avoid? | GOLELY

Recommended fat restriction removed

Every five years, the United States Ministry of Agriculture (USDA) issues a healthy dietary recommendation for its citizens. In the latest Guide (guidelines) issued in 2015 ago, recommendations for total cholesterol and fat were eliminated. They do not list total fats and cholesterol as substances that need to be considered and restricted.

The guide concluded that reducing total fat does not give any effect to a decreased risk of heart disease or stroke, so the consumption does not need to be limited. 

Further, limiting total fat consumption is also not recommended as a preventive therapy of obesity or excess weight.

Nevertheless, the food recommendation still suggests multiplying the consumption of vegetables, fruit, whole grain, seafood, nuts, and milk.

There are also recommendations to reduce consumption of red meat, sugar, and flour through many stages of processing. 

The recommendation of 2015 is indeed more restrictive to regulate restrictions on consumption of sugar (especially sweet drinks) and flour that has been processed.

With these recommendations, the USDA has replaced Pakem to reduce the total fat consumption that has been adopted for 40 years.

You need to know, the food recommendation in 1980 suggests fat consumption of less than 30 percent of total calories. Meanwhile, the 2005 recommendation gives a more specific limit of 20 – 35 percent of the total calories. 

The intention of the dissipation of fat consumption is that the restaurant industry and business people can increase the consumption of fats, such as omega-3s, omega-6, and omega-9.

Also, previous recommendations aimed to straighten the practice of diet in children, which in general children were not given high-fat full cream milk but instead given high-fat low sugar milk Additional.

The debate among health experts: fats vs. sugar

Some experts think sugar is more dangerous, some are convinced that the fats are more harmful, and partially consider both of them can make the weight surge.

Amid the debate, there is research that seeks to give enlightenment. A group of researchers from the University of Aberdeen, England, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, conducted large-scale research in rat experiments.

The study, published in July last year, gave 30 types of food with a variety of carbohydrates, fat, and protein content in the rat group, which was then monitored for 3 months (equivalent to 9 years in humans).

During this time, researchers observed the weight changes and composition of fat in the rat body, as well as noting whether the rats would be overweight with a given diet.

Chief researcher, Professor John Speakman finds that excess fat consumption can increase body fat mass in rats. However, carbohydrates (including sugar) do not have such an effect. The combination of fat and sugar is also not the case. Researchers also said that protein consumption was not shown to increase body fat mass.

Researchers then explained that fat is an "interesting temptation" to serve as a reward system for the brain. In the sense, on the condition of the brain that is stressed or depressed, one would prefer to eat fatty foods as comfort food.

Is lowering weight, better avoid fat or carbohydrates?

Of the two major findings above, it can be concluded that fats and carbohydrates (sugar) can make fat when consumed excessively. Therefore, if you want to achieve ideal weight and avoid obesity, consumption of fats and carbohydrates should not be excessive.

Losing weight does not merely limit fat or carbohydrates. For optimal results, you should also exercise regularly, manage stress well, as well as smoking habits and drinking alcohol should be avoided. To make weight loss efforts safe and monitored, consult a nutritional physician to be able to design a diet according to the condition of the body.