Prevent Osteoporosis by avoiding this food
Don't let osteoporosis undermine your bones secretly. Prevent by avoiding the following foods.
Osteoporosis (bone loss) is a degenerative disease that primarily affects elderly women. Research from the International Osteoporosis Foundation found that 1 in 4 women in Indonesia who are 50 – 80 years old are at risk of developing Osteoporosis.
Women are known to have a risk of osteoporosis 4 times higher than men.
In fact, bones are dynamic tissues. Throughout human life, bones will undergo a process of forming and importing. From babies to about 30 years of age, the bones will be formed more.
After the age of 30, the bone formation will be reduced or stopped altogether. At the age of 40 years and above, more bone mass is broken.
This is the reason why osteoporosis is more common in elderly people, especially women.
Estrogen (female sexual hormones) is responsible for enhancing the formation of bone mass. In menopause women, estrogen is no longer produced by the ovaries. This makes women more at risk of being exposed to osteoporosis.
Well, when osteoporosis occurs, the bones will lose the ability to retain its density. This condition can lead to symptoms of bone pain. Worse still, bone loss can also be easily broken even if it is only subject to mild collision or interest due to a certain movement.
Osteoporosis is often present without being detected. The condition is usually newly known when the sufferer has fractured.
Therefore, osteoporosis is also often called a silent disease because the process of bone decay runs slowly and new becomes severe after all these years.
Avoid these foods to prevent osteoporosis
Several risk factors make you more susceptible to osteoporosis, among which are:
> Have a family history with osteoporosis or fractures
> Undergoing ovarian surgical removal
> Experiencing premature menopause
> Does not meet daily calcium and vitamin D intake
> Smoking habits
> Taking certain medications for long term
Beyond that, osteoporosis can also occur as a result of eating the wrong foods. Some of the foods referred to are:
1. High Salt food
Studies have proved that menopausal women who consume high-salt foods are at higher risk for osteoporosis.
This is because excessive amounts of salt (sodium) can result in high levels of calcium being lost from the body.
Therefore, the Dietary Guidelines for American recommends that you do not consume more than 2300 milligrams (one teaspoon) per day.
2. Soft drink
Sparkling beverages contain phosphoric acid, which can increase the production of calcium into the urine.
This means the more soda drinks you consume, the greater the calcium that comes out of the body. Instead of good, it makes you increasingly vulnerable to osteoporosis.
So, compared to consuming soft drinks, it is better if you consume white water or a drink that contains vitamin D and calcium such as milk or yogurt.
3. Coffee
Coffee contains caffeine which can increase the production of calcium from bones. Every 100 milligrams of caffeine is consumed, you will lose 6 milligrams of calcium from the bones.
So, despite being a favorite drink, coffee consumption remains to be limited. You still can drink coffee, but it is recommended to be limited to a maximum of 300 milligrams of caffeine per day (approximately 450-milliliter coffee).
Prepare your bone health against the old days. Prevent osteoporosis from now on by avoiding the above-mentioned foods. Instead, consume healthy foods that contain calcium and vitamin D in a balanced amount every day.