Stroke signs you should beware of

Not a few do not understand the stroke and golden period attacks. Let's improve alertness by recognizing signs!

Knowing the main signs of stroke attacks can save lives and reduce the chances of permanent disability. Unfortunately, there are still many who do not understand it. In the framework of World Stroke Day, let's raise awareness by recognizing the signs of this emergency condition.

A stroke occurs when the blood flow to the brain stops, and then the brain cells in the area begin to lack oxygen and then die. Stroke can affect the overall state of the body. With fast action and handling, patient recovery expectations can increase.
Stroke signs you should beware of | GOLELY

Stroke is classified into three types, namely:

1. Ischemic Stroke

Ischemic Stroke occurs when blood clots do not flow to the brain. This blood clot is often caused by atherosclerosis, which is the buildup of fat deposits in the inner lining of the blood vessels. 

Some of these fats can be detached and inhibit blood flow in the brain. The concept is similar to a heart attack, where blood clots block blood flow to part of the heart.

This type of Stroke can be embolic, which means that blood clots move from other parts of the body to the brain. An estimated 15 percent embolic stroke is caused by the condition of atrial fibrillation, which is when the heart beats irregular.

Thrombotic strokes are ischemic strokes caused by lumps formed in the blood vessels of the brain.

2. Hemorrhagic Stroke

Hemorrhagic Stroke occurs when the blood vessels in the brain rupture, shedding blood to the surrounding tissues.

There are two types of hemorrhagic strokes. The first is the intracerebral hemorrhage occurring inside the brain tissue, and the second is a subarachnoid hemorrhage that occurs inside the chamber between the brain wrappers layer (subarachnoid chamber).

3. Transient ischemic attack (TIA)

TIA is regarded as a ' warning ' or ministroke. Anything that temporarily inhibits blood flow to the brain causes TIA. Blood clots and TIA symptoms take place in a short period.

Gold Period Handling Stroke

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) emphasizes, obtaining emergency relief within an hour after an attack can prevent disability or long-term brain death.

According to guidelines issued by the American Heart Association (AHA) and the American Stroke Association (ASA) in 2018, Stroke patients who were treated with blood clot crushing drugs within 4.5 hours or less of symptoms, had an opportunity Bigger to recover without major defects.

Signs or symptoms of stroke attacks that should be wary of
The symptoms of a stroke are arguably ' unique ' because they come suddenly. The National Stroke Association suggests the use of the term "FAST" to help you recognize and recall common Stroke symptoms.

"F" is for "face". If you notice any strange faces or smiles that a person does not symmetrical, this is a warning sign of the stroke.

"A" is "arms". Numbness or weakness of the arm can also be a symptom of stroke. You can ask the person to raise his or her arm. When the arms fall or are unstable when moved, it can be a warning sign.

"S" for "speech". Ask the person to repeat the wording or sentence. A lisp talk may indicate that the person has difficulty speaking that leads to a stroke.

"T" for "time". If a person experiences stroke symptoms, every second is valuable. Seek medical help immediately.

When you feel the signs of stroke alone, or see it happen to others around you, contact your local emergency service immediately to get help.

Other symptoms of stroke can include: 
  • Confusion or disorientation, to decreased consciousness
  • Vision problems in one or both eyes
  • Numbness in limb limbs (arms and legs), most likely occurring on one side
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Difficulty walking
People who are recovering from a stroke may experience this effect:
  • Weaknesses and paralysis
  • Changes in flexibility and sense of taste
  • Memory, attention, or perception issues 
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Vision problems
  • Behavior changes
The doctor may recommend treatment for these symptoms. Some alternative treatments such as acupuncture and yoga can help overcome problems such as muscular weakness and depression. 

It is important to follow up with rehabilitation treatment after stroke. After a single stroke, the risk of a person to regain the stroke increases.

How to prevent strokes

You can follow these steps to minimize the risk factor of stroke, namely by:
  • Eat more vegetables, grains, and nuts
  • Eat more seafood than red meat and poultry
  • Limiting sodium intake (salt), fat, and sugar
  • Increase physical activity with a daily exercise routine
  • Limiting or quitting smoking and alcohol consumption
  • Regularly take medication given according to doctor's instructions for certain conditions, such as hypertension
Recognize and remember always identify the "FAST" stroke attack. The ability to recognize early stroke symptoms can affect the life and death of the sufferer. The reason is that the stroke cure rate is strongly influenced by the rapid or absence of treatment. Therefore, beware of the symptoms that may arise in yourself and others around you.

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