6 Good breakfast companion drinks for health

These six types of breakfast companion drinks are good for maintaining health and avoiding the danger of obesity.

The right choice of drinks at breakfast can also provide an important nutrient intake. There is a good breakfast companion drink for health and to help keep weight steady.

A healthy breakfast is a fuel to start the day. In addition to being able to support the nutritional needs of activities, breakfast also plays a role in controlling hunger, so you do not feel when lunchtime arrives.

6 Good breakfast companion drinks for health | GOLELY

The selection of breakfast accompaniment is as important as a breakfast meal. Certain types of beverages can support nutrient intake, maintain energy adequacy, to avoid the risk of obesity. What are some examples of beverages that are rich in these benefits?

1. Milk

Popular drinkable in the morning, milk does have many benefits. A glass of low-fat milk contains at least 8 grams of protein as a build and muscle-supporting substance, 0.2 grams of fat as an energy source, and is capable of fulfilling 30 percent daily calcium needs.

For those who do not particularly like cow's milk, have allergies, or apply a vegan diet, vegetable-based milk such as soy milk or almond milk can be an alternative.

2. White Water

Whether breakfast, lunch, dinner, or time in between, you must drink some water. Not only to maintain hydration of the body, but a glass of water that is drunk before eating is also able to keep the portion of eating so as not excessive.

All-day white water intake is also worth noting. Every adult is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water every day. If less than that, there is a potential decline in concentration and the body is susceptible to dehydration.

3. Lemon water

Tired of the white water that tastes fresh? You can make infused water by inserting lemon slices to add freshness.

Lemon contains abundant vitamin C, which is very good for maintaining body resistance. In addition to lemon, you can also add mint, cucumber, ginger, or strawberry leaves.

4. Coffee or tea

A glass of coffee or tea can also be used as a friend to accompany your breakfast menu. Caffeine in tea and coffee is capable of delivering energy injections as well as banishing drowsiness when starting the day.

Look at the Asupannya, not to excessive. For breakfast time, just cup it (equivalent to 240 ccs). With that dose, caffeine consumption will be maintained. Make sure also the added sugar is not excessive.

5. Smoothie

Smoothies have long been a nutritious, practical breakfast option. In addition to containing a lot of water to keep the body from dehydration and rich in nutrients, smoothies are also able to give a sense of satiety, so the portion of eating is not excessive.

One example of a mixture of smoothies is a jar, a BlackBerry, a plain yogurt, banana, milk, or anything to taste.

6. Coconut water

Coconut water can also be a healthy breakfast drink option. Young coconut water is a source of fiber, electrolytes, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamin C, and some other important minerals such as magnesium, manganese, potassium, and calcium. Coconut water can also be a mixture of smoothies.

Should not be drunk

Drinks do maintain hydration, but it is good when your breakfast avoids a soft drink (or a high drink of other refined sugar content), energizing drinks, alcoholic beverages, or coffee drunk when the stomach is empty. All types of beverages can even cause dehydration and can potentially inflict anxiety.

Start tomorrow complete your breakfast with the types of accompanying drinks mentioned above. Not only good for health but also help keep bodyweight steady as well as maintain body hydration. Make sure also the selected breakfast food menu is healthy. If the menu both eat and drink healthy, the result will be optimal, especially if done routinely!

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