8 ways to solve coffee stains on your teeth

One of the bad effects of drinking coffee is to make teeth stained. But quiet, there is a way to cope with coffee stains on your teeth.

Coffee is one of the most beloved drinks of many circles. Unfortunately, coffee activities have also been known for a long time can leave stains in your teeth. But relax, there are several ways you can do to cope with the coffee stains left on the teeth.

Coffee is very unfriendly to the tooth, the acid content of the plant in the coffee that causes stains on the teeth.

8 ways to solve coffee stains on your teeth | GOLELY

The content of tannins (tannic acid) in coffee can cause plaque on the tooth surface to brownish so that the tooth appears to be yellow. Not only that, but tannins also makes pH in coffee becomes low or acidic. This condition can soften the dental email, so the teeth will be easier to get infiltrated by the color substance.

Saves teeth from coffee stains

Although it can stain your beautiful teeth, you are also not willing to stop consuming coffee completely. Therefore, pay attention to some ways of saving teeth from coffee stains below:

1. Brushing your teeth

The main cause of tooth stains is the accumulation of plaque. So, brushing your teeth with a whitening toothpaste and finding a dentist for routine cleaning is the best way to prevent a coffee stain from being used.

2. Clean with yarn

Honestly, it's the real way to be left behind. Also, it is difficult to clean teeth with threads regularly as the dentist advises. However, setting aside a few minutes to clean teeth with threads every day can make a huge impact on your oral health.

This removes plaque in general because brushing alone cannot eliminate all the bacteria in your mouth. Anything left can harden and turn into tartar, which can then lead to infection.

3. Use a straw

When you drink through a straw, there will be less fluid coffee that touches your teeth. Thus, the chance of coffee to stain your teeth is also getting less.

4. Combine baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

You can create your bleach paste by mixing a little baking soda with a small amount of hydrogen peroxide. If it is too gritty, it means there are too many soda cakes, and you can scrub your emails.

5. Add the Milk

According to DRG. Callista, mix your coffee with milk. In the International Journal of Dental Hygiene, casein (milk protein) is called as able to capture tannins particles in tea and coffee. But with the note, milk used is milk from animals, not from beans.

6. Drink water in between coffee

One sip of white water can clean the coffee fluid quickly before they start to get into your teeth. One more, drinking enough white water is the best way to help you stay hydrated throughout the day.

7. Drink your coffee quickly

According to Denise Estafan, a professor at the Faculty of Dentistry of New York University, by spending one cup of your coffee faster, then your teeth will be spared from the stain.

8. Chewing sugar-free gum

Chewing gum can increase the amount of saliva in your mouth, and such saliva can sweep acid and plaque from your teeth. According to the American Dental Association, chewing gum without sugar for 20 minutes after a meal can help prevent tooth decay.

You certainly want to keep a charming smile without stopping the habit of drinking coffee, right? If so, please try the above ways to solve the coffee stains on your teeth, as suggested.

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