How to distinguish Plant-Based, Vegetarian, and Vegan diets

This type of diet is increasingly diverse today. Learn more about plant-based, vegetarian, vegan diets. What's the difference huh?

Some years of undoing, dietary choices without the growing number of animal food sources. Well, three vegetable diets that are currently well-loved are plant-based, vegetarian, and vegan diets. The three are believed to be potent in cutting excess weight and making dieters healthier.

Interested in trying it? Before deciding, let's find out more about what are plant-based, vegetarian, and vegan diets, as well as the differences in each of these terms.

How to distinguish Plant-Based, Vegetarian, and Vegan diets | GOLELY

Plant-based Diets

There are various understandings related to plant-based dietary terms. Some perceive it as a diet that focuses on the intake of vegetable-sourced, without covering the possibility of consumption of food with animal sources.

However, there is also a use of this term to refer to those who exclusively consume only food sourced from vegetables, with a completely abandoned food sourced from animals. For example, meat and other products include milk, cheese, and eggs.

A second term definition may sound very similar to a commonly known vegan notion. But apparently, vegans are more than just diet. Many people consider vegan as a whole lifestyle.


Those who claim to be vegans actually restrict themselves from consuming all foods sourced from animal sources, including their side products. A vegan does not consume milk, cheese, eggs, and even gelatin that contains components derived from animal sources.

Not only that, the philosophy of the vegan lifestyle, not only applies to the consumption of food and drink but extends to almost all aspects of life. A vegan typically will avoid using products involving animal products including clothing and cosmetics.

Ever heard of vegan cosmetics? This can mean two things, that is, the cosmetics do not perform tests on animals and do not contain components originating from animals. Likewise, clothing, such as jackets, coats, or other accessories made from genuine leather or fur will be avoided by vegan dieters.


Vegetarians are actually quite clear and easy to understand. The vegetarian group is probably the most commonly known among the two other dietary types that have been described. Vegetarian dieters will avoid "meat" in general. Meat in this context includes red meat derived from mammals, white meats such as poultry, and fish.

However, vegetarians usually do not limit themselves to still consume byproducts from animals, such as eggs or milk. There is some term derived from vegetarians that are often used, such as Lacto-vegetarians who consume meat and milk, Ovo vegetarian that add eggs other than vegetable consumption, that still consume fish meat other than Vegetables.

Once you know the difference between plant-based, vegetarian and vegan diets, you can now choose which diet and lifestyle suits you best. Whatever your diet choices will be, always pay attention to the adequacy of nutrients that need to be filled with various nutritional components. It still meets the needs of carbohydrates, proteins, fibers, and fats as well as vitamins and minerals even if you limit your diet. You can consult further with a nutritional physician regarding the most appropriate dietary selection.

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