How to lose weight by drinking coffee

Not only banish drowsiness and maintain concentration, but the coffee also turns out to help lose weight. How?

Did you know that drinking coffee can help lose weight? Yes, drinks that are later rising in this leaf are not only beneficial to banish drowsiness.

Most people choose to drink coffee because of the caffeine effects in it that are useful to help optimize concentration and productivity. But what about its ability to lose weight?

How to lose weight by drinking coffee | GOLELY

The findings that the coffee could lose weight were published by the International journal Nutrients in 2019. Studies conducted in Europe, Asia, and the Americas found that coffee consumption could help lower the size of fat tissues in the body thereby helping to lose weight.

Further, researchers explained that the effect of coffee for weight loss could occur due to some active substances in the coffee. Such substances are named chlorogenic acid, Trigonelin, and magnesium have anti-obesity effects.

It is important to note that the coffee that is consumed in the study is a coffee without creamer and sugar. In other words, black coffee. Conversely, people who have a habit of drinking instant coffee or coffee that is given sugar and creamer precisely have a high risk of experiencing weight gain and obesity.

Healthy ways to drink coffee

Besides being able to help lose weight, various studies have also revealed that coffee provides benefits for both heart health and lever – if consumed appropriately. 

Here's a healthy way of drinking coffee that you need to know:

  • Know the limits of drinking coffee per day
Although coffee has many benefits for health, it does not mean you can drink as much coffee as possible. So, there is still a limit to note.

Eating too much coffee can cause side effects such as heart pounding, stomach disorders, and metabolic disorders. For optimal health, one is recommended to drink a coffee of 150-450 milliliter every day, or a maximum caffeine equivalent of 400 milligrams.

  • Drink coffee in certain hours
Coffee is best consumed at 10.00-15.00. After 15.00 p.m., drinking coffee is no longer recommended as it can make you sleepless at night. In the evening Insomnia due to coffee can interfere with health.

  • Using safe and healthy sugar substitutes
Sugar is really not recommended to be put into coffee. Drinking a cup of sweet coffee alone every day will cause you to have a high risk of diabetes mellitus in 5-10 years later. 

Try to familiarize yourself with the bitter taste in coffee. If you have to give a sweet flavor to your coffee, you should use an artificial sweetener that contains no calories, like stevia sugar.

  • Better use of milk from the creamer
To add coffee delights, many people like to add creamer to the coffee. Though this is not recommended because the creamer is generally high in fat and contains sugar. 

If you want to add a creamy effect to your coffee, then use liquid cow's milk, such as fresh milk or UHT milk. In addition to not containing sugar, milk is a good source of calcium for bones.

By applying the four things above, you can enjoy the delicious coffee while having a positive impact on health.

If consumed in the right way, coffee can help lose weight. However, if you are trying to lose weight, drinking coffee is not enough yes. Other strategies for losing weight as by regulating diet and performing physical exercises regularly need to be done.

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