4 Steps to Avoiding Diabetes

Known to have many harmful complications, diabetes can be prevented. Learn how to avoid full-reviewed diabetes here.

The incidence of diabetes continues to increase. It is known to have some harmful complications, but diabetes can be easily prevented. For better health, let's know the different ways to avoid diabetes.

According to data, the prevalence of diabetes has increased in the last five years.

4 Steps to Avoiding Diabetes | GOLELY

Diabetes is a disease with a typical symptom of elevated blood sugar levels. This disease can be caused by various things, such as genetic factors or various other factors related to lifestyle.

The diabetic disease is one of the scourges for many people. It is not without reason. The reason, clinic susceptible to various complications in various organs of the body. Starting from damaging the pancreas, it is risky to suffer from renal failure, damaging the nerves regulating the gastric discharge system (gastroparesis), damage to the heart and blood vessels, and damage to the edges of the nerve affecting the skin.

Spooky, huh? But don't worry diabetes can be easily prevented by doing these various ways:

1. Adjusting the Diet

Diet is the primary key to the prevention of diabetes. Unhealthy diet and high calorie can cause obesity so that the risk of diabetes become doubled.

To prevent diabetes, start by choosing a nutritious food type, which is proven good for health.

If you usually rely on white rice as a source of carbohydrates, switch to other healthy sources of carbohydrates, i.e. complex carbohydrates. This type of carbohydrates does not cause spikes in blood sugar and can maintain a sense of satiety for longer. Examples are oats, brown rice, and wheat bread.

Also, reduce food intake that is not good for health, such as fried foods. Choose a low-fat source of protein and consume vegetables and fruits.

2. Regular exercise

Regular exercise is a powerful way to maintain cardiovascular health and maintain ideal body weight. Also, regular exercise is proven to increase the use of blood sugar by the muscles, thereby helping to lower blood sugar levels. 

Routine exercise can also maintain the health of bones, so you can avoid bone loss (osteoporosis) in the evening.

Get the determination to workout routine from now on. You can start with a jog in the neighborhood around the house or with a treadmill, swim, run, or as simple as aerobic gymnastics with video guidance. Do as much as 3-5 times a week, with a total duration of 150 minutes. You can certainly!

3. Keep your ideal weight

Excess weight or obesity is a global problem. Not only increases the risk of heart disease, but obesity is also one of the risk factors of diabetes. A person who is overweight is more susceptible to diabetes.

Excess visceral fat (fat stored by the body in the abdominal cavity) can lead to an increase in inflammatory compounds that affect the work of the liver and pancreas organs, thereby lowering insulin sensitivity. 

However, someone who has excess weight is not necessarily exposed to diabetes. There are still other factors that bring influence, such as genetic.

4. Diabetes Screening

The American Diabetes Association recommends screening for Diabetes from the age of 45 years, by conducting blood sugar examinations.

Diabetes screening is also recommended for those under 45 years of age, especially if it has a risk factor such as: having excessive weight and/or a history of diabetes in the family.

Before it is too late, immediately apply ways to avoid diabetes described above. Not only to prevent diabetes, but a healthy lifestyle is also able to nourish the body as a whole, distancing you and your loved ones from various other harmful diseases.

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