Can certain foods solve depression?

Not only filling the stomach, said certain foods can overcome depression. Is this true?

Depression sometimes comes without realizing it and is known for its people. Some people do not understand the symptoms of depression. Many say the other way to solve depression is through certain foods consumed. However, is this true or not? 

Depression is a mood disorder that causes feelings of sadness and loss of continuous interest. When not resolved immediately, depression can be dangerous because it can affect someone in thinking and behavior, loss of interest, until a suicide desire arises.

Can certain foods solve depression? | GOLELY

Some ways can be done to overcome depression. From therapy to psychologists to doing the activity he likes. Food can also help reduce symptoms of depression.

The foods you often find in daily life are also effective for addressing these dangerous conditions.

Certain foods help with depression

Reported from WebMD, consumption of green vegetables and seafood can help regulate mood. According to Felice Jacka, director of the Food and Mood Center at Deakin University, Australia, said a good diet can be attributed to a reduced risk of depression by up to 30%.

In September, an analysis of 26 previous studies found that following a Mediterranean diet full of greens, fruits, nuts, olive oil, psychiatry, and seafood could relieve depressive symptoms.

Conversely, people who eat more meat, dairy, and processed foods are known to have a higher risk of experiencing depression. Of the 26 studies included, only a handful showed no connection between diet and mental health.

Also, randomized trials on a small scale, published recently, found that students with depressive symptoms experienced improved mood in just 3 weeks doing the same diet.

Before you dispose of any antidepressant medications prescribed by your doctor, you should know that food alone cannot cure or prevent depression. To be underlined, fixing a diet can only help the healing process of depression instead of curing in total.

"People generally do not like taking medication. These findings are then used as a foothold to stop taking medication and replace them with certain foods. The consumption of drugs and other therapies should still be discussed with professionals, "said Jacka.

Foods to help overcome depression

Yes, certain foods can help overcome depression. Reported from VeryWell Mind, here are some of those foods.

  • Vegetables

Vegetables are on the top spot on this list. While it is important for everyone, vegetables can be very helpful if you are struggling against depression. One reason is that people with depression are known to have lower folate intake than those who do not.

Folate, fiber, and other nutrients make vegetables — especially dark-leaved ones — great choices to help improve and stabilize mood.

Leafy green vegetables are also a good source of ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). ALA is one of the three main types of omega-3 fatty acids, the other two being DHA and EPA.

  • Fish

Fish — especially salmon, mackerel, sardines, and tuna (not canned) — are great choices to help fight depression. Why? The fish are rich in omega-3 fatty sources.

Omega-3 fats help build connections between brain cells as well as strengthen neurotransmitters. The increase in omega-3s in your food menu can help increase serotonin production and improve mood.

  • Beans

Nuts, such as cashews, walnuts, and hazelnuts, are the source of Omega-3. As described earlier, increasing the consumption of omega-3s can help improve mood.

Researchers examined the data from the National Health and Nutrition Screening Survey, which is a sample of more than 26,000 American adults. They find, adults who eat nuts have a level of optimism, energy, hope, concentration, and greater interest.

  • Grain

Flax seeds and chia seeds are a great addition to those of you who are struggling with depression. Like some of the other foods mentioned, these two types of seeds are a source of omega-3 fats. 

A tablespoon of chia seeds provides approximately 61% of the daily amount of the recommended Omega-3. As for a tablespoon of flaxseed gives about 39% of the daily recommendation.

In addition to consuming the above food, you should also limit the amount of daily caffeine consumption.

Caffeine is instrumental in the occurrence of changes in a person's sleep patterns and moods, which relate to depressive events. For you to be completely detached from depression, try to lose weight healthily.

For example, exercising, applying a healthy lifestyle, eating nutritious food is balanced, and not smoking or consuming alcohol.

Are you currently experiencing depressive symptoms? As the first "help", you can try a specific meal above to overcome depression. But remember, food-only settings are not enough to overcome depression. As depression continues and gets heavier, it doesn't hurt to visit a psychologist to help you with your problem.