Snake, bat so causes the transmission of Coronavirus

Chinese researchers claim that the cause of the Coronavirus transmission is processed bats. Here's more info about the dangers of the bamboo curtain country.

The spread of the virus corona is gripping. After yesterday it was suspected that the snake is the cause of its transmission, now researchers in China have reported that the parasite's animal propagation is a bat. In the country, fruit bat animals are often eaten and used as soup dishes.

Snake, bat so causes the transmission of Corona Virus | GOLELY

Bat soup, Wuhan's typical food suspect

Reported from The Sun, experts warn that coronaviruses can be as deadly as the Spanish flu post World War I that killed millions of people.

As additional info, this virus has spread to Thailand, Taiwan, Singapore, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Japan, even the United States. The Wuhan area itself is already "locked". No one can go in or out of the area. The government there also advised the public to avoid the crowd.

Latest analysis According to Chinese scientists, coronaviruses are transmitted from bats, then bats are eaten by snakes. This reptile is also referred to as the Coronavirus spreading animal. Since both animals were sold freely there and the residents often contacted the animals, the coronavirus spread occurred.

Bat soup is an extreme dish, but quite popular especially in the Wuhan area. The area is the origin of the Coronavirus, especially its animal market.

To overcome this, researchers attempted to create a preventive vaccine. However, it can take at least one year to complete the study.

Why is the Corona Virus easy to infect the human body?

Corona Virus turns out to have strong "bonding" with human proteins called ACE2. Protein binders have a high resemblance to the SARS, which killed nearly 800 people and infected 8,000 people around the world in 2002-2003.

Unfortunately, the dangers caused by coronaviruses have been underestimated in the research community. The harmful parasite has a mutation rate of 100 times faster than the smallpox virus!

The bad news again, after the bat is eaten by snakes, an ingredient in the reptile's body makes coronavirus grow stronger. If the snake is eaten by humans, the effects can be more severe.

How do steps to prevent its spread?

If the spread is right through the bat soup or processed snakes, then never consume the two animals! Also, undo your intention to travel to China.

Slaughterhouses and markets that sell animal meat for consumption also need to act in prevention. One way is to use disinfectant TH4 + and Mefisto.

Some other steps can be done to prevent the transmission of the Coronavirus, such as the following.

  • Nutritious food consumption is balanced, doing physical activity at least half an hour per day, adequate rest, and immediately medication if sick. This is especially when the disease is similar to flu, sore throat or pneumonia.
  • Avoid traveling to contracted locations. Avoid direct contact with sufferers. Do not enter the isolation area without equipment security and protection of medical personnel.
  • If you feel that you are interacting with a fever, cough, and breathing difficulty, immediately consult a doctor at a local hospital.
  • If after returning to Indonesia shows the symptoms of fever, cough, and shortness of breath, then immediately seek treatment to the hospital.
  • Consumption of supplements to strengthen body endurance. Taking supplements that contain vitamin C and D, as well as zinc to keep immunity strong remains.
  • Use the N95 mask while traveling or being in the crowd. Masks can help you be protected from airborne viruses.
  • Don't forget to note the symptoms. Symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath (similar to severe flu and pneumonia). If such symptoms have emerged, immediately seek treatment to the hospital.
  • To reduce the symptoms, it is advisable to rest, do not do heavy activities, drink a lot of water, and take fever-lowering drugs such as paracetamol.

Now, you already know that in addition to the snake, Corona's virus spreading animal is a bat.