Coronavirus infection does not necessarily show symptoms

The virus outbreak of corona increasingly spread fear on all citizens of the world. Is it true that the person affected by coronavirus showed no symptoms?

Coronaviruses become much talked about after nearly 3000 people in some countries, especially China is infected. This parasite is reportedly able to rapidly infectious from humans to humans. Some countries, such as Thailand, Malaysia, the United States, and Japan are already infected with the coronavirus.

In the other time, someone with a Coronavirus infection could not show any symptoms. As a result, this makes Coronavirus disease difficult to detect, and without realizing the patient can also transmit its virulence to others. To do this, let us familiarise yourself with the symptoms of this coronavirus disease.

Coronavirus infection does not necessarily show symptoms | GOLELY

Corona Virus sufferers don't always show symptoms!

Of the many viruses that can cause lung infections, coronaviruses are among the most dangerous ones. It is very risky to cause death if not dealt with quickly.

Coronavirus can cause lung infections or pneumonia because it attacks and damages cells along the respiratory tract. The damaged respiratory tract can be experienced inflammation that will cause heavy breathlessness and finally passed away.

To date, more than 95% of its spread virus infection is derived from Wuhan city in China. This inter-human coronavirus spread can occur through direct contact with the sufferer through coughing, sneezing, or direct contamination to food.

But the problem, someone who has been infected with the Coronavirus can not show any symptoms even if it is infected!

Not all sufferers of Coronavirus infections experience high fever, shortness of breath, flu, and coughs. This occurs because the Coronavirus requires an incubation time of about 3 to 7 days.

Incubation is a virus process infecting the body until it eventually raises symptoms in the affected person. During this incubation period, the infected person does not show any symptoms and can secretly transmit the virus to other healthy people.

Also, not all coronavirus infections cause typical breathlessness symptoms. Viral pneumonia can also cause weakness and diarrhea. So, symptoms of disease caused by the Coronavirus are somewhat difficult to diagnose.

Immune system and number of viruses also influential

It should be noted, that the number of incoming viruses and one's immune condition greatly affects the affected or absence of this disease.

When a person is exposed to a considerable amount of viruses with a weakened immune condition, a coronavirus infection can occur.

Especially in people whose immune system is low, for example in parents, children, and HIV sufferers. The slight exposure to coronaviruses is sure to get them infected.

However, it is not undeniable that if the immune system is strong and the virus is exposed to only a little, it can make your body escape from corona infections.

How to prevent affected Corona Virus infections

Nowadays, it is important to prevent this deadly disease from being avoided. One way is to avoid the source of transmission or the spread of the virus itself. To be able to prevent coronavirus infection, we must protect ourselves from possible exposure. Here's how.

1. Use a mask when in a crowd or public place.
2. Shut your mouth with your hands when sneezing or coughing so that the virus inside you is not impaled by others.
3. Wash your hands cleanly, especially before eating, before cooking, and after the toilet. Use hand sanitizer when in low water condition
4. You are also obliged to cook food until cooked, avoid eating raw food during a coronavirus outbreak has not been confirmed completed.
5. When there are symptoms such as high fever, cough, and shortness of breath immediately to the hospital.
6. Keep the immune system healthy, that is to consume nutritious foods, do not smoke, sleep enough, and exercise.

With so much information in circulation, we must also be wise in receiving existing information as well as searching for information on credible, trustworthy and also official sources.

We must remain vigilant and continue to maintain the health of the body to reduce the risk of contracting infections, given the disease has not found a vaccine or medication.