6 ways to live a healthy lifestyle for a lazy man

For those who are lazy exercising, you can stay healthy, Find out how easy it is to live a healthy lifestyle for the lazy man.

Lazy motion and lazy sport is a real problem for many people. Ultimately, it has a bad impact on your health. But, for those of you who are lazy, do not give up quickly, because you can still live a healthy lifestyle easily for the good of the body.

Lazy motion shows a lack of desire activity. This also accompaniments the current technological advances that make the necessities of life easy and instant. For example, now you can order food through online Ojek application and not long afterward food comes. You need not be tired of having to walk out of the office to buy lunch.

6 ways to live a healthy lifestyle for a lazy man | GOLELY

Too often follow a sense of lazy and averse move, you can haunt various diseases. Meanwhile, a lot of people who want to have a healthy lifestyle, but rather lazy to live. As a result, all plans undergo a healthy lifestyle live a mere discourse. But quiet, there are still many roads to Rome.

Healthy lifestyle for the lazy man

For the lazy man, exercising feels like wasting time, or instead of sweaty sweating. However, there is a way to live a healthy lifestyle for the lazy man, namely:

1. Sleep Enough

If you are lazy of motion, use the time to get enough sleep. Believe it or not, the key to losing weight can be by spending more time in bed.

Research shows, sleeping at least seven hours each night is crucial for maintaining an ideal weight. Enough sleep can decrease appetite due to the hormones leptin and ghrelin that regulate it to be more controlled.

In other words, sleep contributes adequately to weight stability. This will be more optimal when combined with regular diet and exercise arrangements.

2. Get along with friends who have healthy habits

You like to hang out but want to stay healthy? As a social creature, people need to socialize and can naturally sample the habits of those around him. Instead of hanging out with people who love to drink beer, try spending time with those who have healthy habits such as drinking juices, sports, and eating healthy.

3. Regular meals and more

You feel weird when hearing the advice to eat more often. Yes, but in smaller portions. Three basic meals such as breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You can eat healthy snacks at the big hour.

The amount of his intake did impress very much. But if you eat several times throughout the day, then you will avoid excessive hunger. Also, eating small five to six times throughout the day can make your blood sugar stable. The energy gained is also more.

4. Eat chocolate

Who does not like chocolate? It felt almost nothing. Good news, eating chocolate can help the body healthier.

Chocolate eating benefits are: 

  • Lowering the risk of coronary heart disease due to blood vessel obstruction. Blood vessel blockages can occur due to agglomerate platelet blood cells, inflammation of the endothelial cells (coatings) of blood vessels, and clog blood vessels. 
The flavonoids in chocolate have been examined to increase the function of endothelial cells (coatings) of blood vessels and platelet cells, as well as having anti-inflammatory effects. So it is not easy to occur platelet cells and blood vessel blockage.
  • It lowers bad cholesterol levels (LDL) and increases good cholesterol levels (HDL) in the blood.
  • Lower the risk of diabetes. One factor of diabetes is decreased insulin sensitivity. Consumption of chocolate turns to increase insulin sensitivity.
  • It lowers blood pressure and launches blood flow in arteries.
  • Increase blood and oxygen flow to the skin, improve skin's moisture, and protect skin from UV rays. So it can make the skin condition healthier and smoother.

However, we certainly need to be careful about the types of chocolate consumed. Chocolates containing a mixture of sugar, milk, cream, and others can contain high calories, fats, and cholesterol. Choose chocolate containing a high percentage of chocolate content of about 70-80%, for good health effects.

5. Sit upright

For those of you who work by sitting for hours in front of the laptop, try sitting in the right position and upright to avoid health problems. The back should be straight so not sore. 

Change the sitting position every 30 minutes. If you are an office worker with a routine of spending eight hours sitting in front of the computer, we recommend stretching it (standing, stretching the body briefly, or walking).

6. Exercise for 1 minute every day

This suggestion is somewhat unpopular, but you can try it. For example, after sitting for hours because of work, try doing stretching for a minute per 30 minutes of sitting. Make simple movements during the minute to keep your body healthy.

That's how to live a healthy lifestyle for the lazy man. Remember, excessive lazy taste is also not good. Entering the new year, get up soon and do some habits that keep you healthy.