This food recipe for you to be youthful

Youthful not only can be achieved with a myriad of expensive treatments at the beauty clinic. You can be youthful in a natural way as long as it consumes the following foods.

Youthful looks is a hope for many women. That's why not infrequently you are willing to spend a lot of money on beauty and body care. A youthful recipe can be from the food consumed. Check out some of the explanations here.

The first step you need to do is to consume the right foods. Yes, some foods are proven to make your body and face more youthful.

This food recipe for you to be youthful | GOLELY

What is youthful?

Keep in mind that youthful life means smooth, wrinkle-free, bright and radiant skin condition. Also, the condition of your body should look "intact", both teeth intact, strong bones, and muscles that look ideal although the biological age is no longer young.

This kind of thing is desirable to you whose age is no longer a teenager. Have you heard the term, "you are what you eat." Reported from Healthline, this term refers to the fact that the food consumed affects your health.

You can look older than the real age just because of the habit of eating the type of food. From the results of the study published in the journal Circulation in 2000, it was found that teenagers accumulating cholesterol in the arteries would appear to be aging faster.

According to a professor of Tufts University, USA, Robert Rusell, MD, the problem of aging is related to the intake of nutrients consumed. When the diet is unhealthy, you may experience cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis when entering the age of adulthood.

How to be a youthful recipe?

Because the aging process is related to nutrients, it means you have to start eating healthy foods. To achieve youth, you should pay attention to the food consumed daily.

Some foods can help you realize the youthful appearance of the body and face. Here are some of them you need to know.

1. Lemon and Orange

Lemon and citrus are types of citrus fruits that are rich in vitamin C. These types of nutrients are important to maintain skin health and body health in general.

Because vitamin C can help fight free radicals that are one of the leading causes of premature aging. Also, vitamin C in lemon and citrus can support the formation of collagen.

Collagen is an important component in skin regeneration and can keep skin supple and soft. Vitamin C that is in high levels of orange and lemon is also important to improve the immune system so that you are not easily attacked by the disease.

2. Avocado

Avocado fruit is also proven to make your body and face stay youthful. This is because avocados have monounsaturated fatty content which is precisely your body.

The fact mentioned that fats in avocados can help maintain the skin's moisture and help the body optimize the process of vitamin absorption. Also, avocado contains compounds that can fight inflammatory processes.

With this benefit, avocado means it can prevent the emergence of premature aging signs and keep your body function optimally. Avocado is very good to be consumed directly or used as a mixture of salads. You can also make avocado as a natural mask ingredient.

3. Dark chocolate

The black chocolate is made from pure cocoa without a mixture of sugar or milk rich in flavonoid compounds. This compound can maintain the health of blood vessels and lower the risk of heart disease.

According to research, flavonoids in cocoa can also optimize blood circulation in the body. With this benefit, flavonoids compounds can help to maintain healthy skin health and to look young and youthful.

The flavonoids compounds have even been shown to have the ability to banish ultraviolet light exposure, which can damage the skin and cause premature aging.

4. Nuts

Nuts are a good source of protein for the body. Also, nuts have unsaturated fat content and Omega 3 is good for your heart and skin health.

Some types of nuts even contain vitamin E which can prove to prevent premature aging. This is due to its ability to maintain the function of body cells.

Some types of nuts that you can make the choice to be consumed regularly and regularly as an effort to appear youthful are almond nuts, walnut, cashew, Kapri, pistachio and others.

5. Fatty Fish

The youthful body and face can be made by eating fish regularly and regularly. Some of the recommended fish are those that contain unsaturated fats and omega 3, such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, vulture and sardines.

The fish can increase the good cholesterol (HDL) and resist the inflammation that occurs in the body. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), you are encouraged to eat fish at least once or twice a week.

For the youthful benefits that the food has to offer you can feel more optimally, do not forget to pay attention to the portion of food consumed so as not to excessive.

Do not forget to combine the consumption of food with a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, no smoking or alcohol, enough sleep, and control stress. That's a recipe for you to be more youthful.