3 reasons why you shouldn't consume steroids freely

Steroid group drugs are widely relied upon for muscle shaping. Unattended consumption of doctors elicits dangerous side effects.

Steroids are hormones derived from fat derivatives. Essentially, the human body produces steroids naturally to help the body's metabolic path. One such steroid hormone is corticosteroids.

Corticosteroids are steroid hormones that are produced and secreted by the glands of the adrenal cortex. Broadly, the hormone is divided into three: Glucocorticoids (most produced by the body), Mineralocorticoids, and androgens.

3 reasons why you shouldn't consume steroids freely | GOLELY

Nowadays, many medicines are developed so that pharmacology and structure as well as possible with glucocorticoids.

Drugs that contain steroids such as hydrocortisone and Prednisa are very beneficial, especially when the precarious and life-threatening conditions such as anaphylactic shock.

Nevertheless, the use of this drug should be by appropriate indications and dosages. Otherwise, there will be side effects.

Steroid Use indication

Some of the conditions that are indicative of the use of steroid drugs include:

  • As a hormone therapy as in Addison's disease and congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
  • Acute systemic symptoms of an allergic attack and anaphylactic shock, asthma, exacerbation (symptomatic symptoms) of acute autoimmune diseases.
  • As a fetal lung if there is premature birth.
  • As an agent of prophylaxis (Health maintenance and disease prevention) during organ transplantation, to prevent excessive rejection of the donor body.

Steroid dangers When the consumption is not appropriate indication

Here are a variety of reasons why steroid consumption not by the doctor's indications that can be dangerous.

1. Steroid drugs include a hard drug group

Steroids are drugs that contain hormones. Therefore, this type of drug comes in a hard medicine characterized by the presence of a red circle of striped black edges, with the inscription "K" in it.

This group of medicines must be obtained with a prescription, where the consumption must be monitored by a physician.

2. Suppress the body immune system

Steroids are a type of medication that can suppress the immune system (immunosuppressive).

Indeed, in the condition of autoimmune diseases, immunosuppressive drugs are indispensable. However, when it does not have an autoimmune disease, steroid use should be considered.

Because, when consumed by healthy people, the immune system of the person will decrease, and facilitate the infection of viruses, bacteria, and fungi.

3. Many side effects can appear

Steroid side effects are consumed recklessly — high dosages and within a period — include:

  • Changes to Skin

Topical steroid drugs continuously over a long period can result in thinning the skin, making it easy to read and sore when exposed to sunlight, triggering excessive acne, as well as stretch marks or cellulite.

  • Rising weight

The use of high-dose steroids can result in weight gain, which can be accompanied by symptoms of Cushing's syndrome, such as a moon face and a buildup of fat on the shoulders such as Buffalo hump.

  • Digestive tract Problems

The risk of ulcers formation (wounds to the skin or mucous membranes characterized by the formation of pus, tissue death, and inflammatory reactions) in the stomach and bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract increases when the steroid is consumed without a clear indication.

  • Increases Osteoporosis risk

Steroids can suppress the formation of new bone cells in the spinal cord, as well as shorten their age. As a result, the risk of osteoporosis will increase than those who do not consume it.

  • Glaucoma

Use of steroids in the form of eye drops over a long period can also increase the risk of glaucoma. Therefore, it is important to use the drug with the advice of doctors.

Steroids are one of the harsh remedies circulating in the community, but unfortunately, it is easily obtainable without a doctor's prescription. Therefore, consider the threat of side effects because the irresponsible use of steroids can be harmful. Therefore, involve a physician before consuming it.