Beware, it's a vulnerable person with a Brain Tumor

Brain tumors are one of the dangerous diseases and can attack anyone. But what are some things that make someone vulnerable to them?

Surely you have been quite familiar with brain tumor disease. This painful disorder is indeed one of the most terrible. Not only are malignant, but tumors are also benign in the brain and are very dangerous. Why so?

Beware, it's a vulnerable person with a Brain Tumor | GOLELY

Brain Tumor

Brain tumors occur when there is abnormal cell growth in the brain. According to the Mayo Clinic explanation, brain tumors can start in the brain (primary brain tumors). This condition can be derived from cancer cells in other parts of the body that spread to the brain (secondary brain tumors).

The human brain cavity is very limited because it is limited by a hard skull. Consequently, along with the increase in the size of brain tumors, there is another brain structure. This causes the pressure inside the brain cavity to increase.

Also, the brain is a center that regulates various bodily functions. No wonder tumors on the brain can cause a variety of things that can interfere with body function. Actually, why can someone experience a brain tumor? Check out the following reviews.

Reported from Cancer.Net, some of the symptoms and characteristics that can be inflicted by brain tumors are as follows.

  • Headaches. It can be more severe to feel during activity or in the morning.
  • Changes in some senses such as sight, smell, and hearing.
  • Forgot memory.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Excessive fatigue and drowsiness.
  • Experiencing sleep disorders.
  • There are changes or difficulties to walk or do daily activities.

However, symptoms arising from brain tumors may differ in each individual. Therefore, there is a need for a further doctor's examination to determine if someone is right to have a brain tumor or to know how severe the condition is.

Causes of brain Tumor factors

Everyone is prone to brain tumors. This disease can happen to anyone, young or old.

However, some things cause a person to become more susceptible to having a brain tumor. The following factors cause brain tumors to be aware of.

1. Age

In general, brain tumors are more common in children and the elderly. However, it does not close the possibilities when brain tumors occur in any age range.

2. Gender

Usually, more brain tumors are experienced by men than women. However, certain types of brain tumors such as meningiomas are more common in women.

3. Exposure to substances in homes and workplaces

People who are often exposed to several types of substances, such as pesticides, oil products, rubber, vinyl chloride, as well as other chemical solutions have a greater risk of developing brain tumors. there has been no scientific evidence in favor of this.

4. Family history

About 5% of brain tumors are associated with genetic or hereditary factors. That is why people who have a history of family members with brain tumors need to be more vigilant. This is because the possibility of experiencing similar things is a more substantial risk.

5. Infections and allergens

Certain viral infections such as Epstein-Barr virus may increase the risk of certain types of cancer in the Brain (lymphoma). Other studies have also shown, certain types of viruses such as cytomegalovirus (CMV) and some other types of viruses can also increase the risk of some types of brain tumors.

Then, the types of allergic conditions can increase the risk of brain tumor.

6. Electromagnetic waves

Some studies have examined the risk of exposure to electromagnetic waves (such as from mobile phones) against the risk of brain tumors. The result remains controversial.

Nevertheless, as a precautionary measure, the WHO recommends limiting the use of mobile phones. Then, hands-free use in children and adolescents is also encouraged.

7. Certain tribes and races

Research in the United States shows white people have the risk of experiencing certain types of brain tumors (gliomas) than blacks. People in northern Europe also have the risk of experiencing higher brain cancer. 

8. Ion radiation

This is also one of the causes. People who get exposure to high and frequent ion radiation-e.g. X-ray exposure has a greater risk of brain tumors than those who have never received exposure to ion radiation.

9. Severe head injury

A person who has a history of heavy injuries to the head also has a brain tumor risk. Some studies have also shown a link between a head injury and certain types of brain tumors such as meningiomas.

Well, now you've figured out some of the things that can be a factor that causes brain tumors. Some things are irreversible, such as genetics, gender, age, and racial factors.