7 Tips for quick dry Cesarean surgery

The mother often complained that her activity was hampered after Caesarean's post-surgery. To make the operation wound fast dry, here's how to treat the correct wound!

Cesarean section has its advantages. However, there is one thing that is quite disturbing after the action, namely scar surgery. In addition to the old dry, the pain usually manages to make the mothers cram and even impede activity! As a result, mothers need a way of treating their wounds to dry quickly.

7 Tips for quick dry Cesarean surgery | GOLELY

How important do Caesar's post-operative wounds take?

Every woman has a different response after having cesarean surgery. That is why the effects of surgical injuries require different attention as well. 

Although many mothers do not suffer from any obstacles, it is not uncommon to suffer from any signs of infection. The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology even reported, about 2-15 percent of cesarean scar injuries could have been infected!

Of course, you don't want that until it happens, right? Therefore, it is very important to treat cesarean surgery wounds. 

As for the signs of infection in cesarean surgical wounds that must be wary of, such as the following.
  • Fever.
  • Discomfort in the abdominal area. 
  • Pain or swelling in both limbs. 
  • Bleeding or whitish smelling that out of the vagina.
  • Discharge or pus from the surgical scar. 
  • There is swelling, as well as redness of pain around the scar.

How to treat Caesar's surgical wound to dry quickly

Before knowing how, there is one aspect that must be possessed, that is patience. Seams wound used cesarean operation recovered within six weeks.

For the entire wound, including wounds in the uterus, it will usually recover for longer, even for up to two years.

Therefore, the doctor will advise you to give the pregnancy distance after the cesarean operation for two years.

In addition to being patient and giving distance to the next pregnancy, this is the way that can be done to accelerate the healing of cesarean wound.

  • Don't give pressure on the stomach

If you want to cough and sneeze, try not to remove it too hard so the stomach is not strained. Avoid the laughter too loud so that the wound of surgery is not open anymore. Climbing stairs should also be deducted first. 

  • Do not bring heavy loads 

For the time being, avoid carrying a bag that contains many items or other heavy objects in the house. Ask a spouse, family, or colleague around you. 

Also, if you want to wound surgery quickly dry, better avoid weight sports or other heavy sports.

  • Avoid constipation 

Straining during CHAPTER (bowel movements) often raises pain complaints. Therefore, avoid constipation and keep digestion smooth by eating a lot of fiber, drinking lots of water, and working on regular CHAPTER patterns.

If needed, you can consult a physician regarding the need to consume a laxative.

  • Wear loose clothes 

Although trivial, clothing also supports surgical wound care. Loose clothing can give space and do not give friction.

At home, you can wear jerseys, disasters, and loose pajamas. As for traveling, you can use a loose blouse made from fine and cool. 

  • Understand water rules 

You should avoid bathing with warm water and swimming. However, you can still bathe, as usual, only the temperature of the water is noticed.

You should also keep the former operation clean. After bathing, do not forget to dry the wound properly. It should be completely dry, yes, for the undamped wounds!

  • Don't forget to apply ointment

Some doctors may prescribe certain ointments. So, don't forget to apply the ointment regularly. The ointment is usually a topical antibiotic or petroleum gel.

Avoid herbal ointments that have not been proved to be its effectiveness and sold online. This can cause infections in surgical wounds. 

  • Keep moving so that no blood clots

Not having a heavy activity does not mean you are banned from the activity at all. Keep a light activity to risk venous thrombosis or blood clotting in vein veins does not occur. When you're tired after your activity, take a break.

In addition to the above, it is important to also fulfill complete nutritional intake. The sufficient nutrients will help the body recover faster post-operative operation.

That's some way of treating Caesar's wounds to dry quickly. If at any time there is pain and discomfort, try to consult the condition to the doctor.