Symptoms of clinically impaired skin immunity

The skin often itching or pain? Caution, it could be a symptom due to impaired skin immunity. Get to know and overcome today!

The skin is the greatest organ of the human body. Not only has an aesthetic function, but the skin also serves as a shield that protects the inner organs from toxins, germs, ultraviolet radiation, and other rays. It is known for its immune skin.

Skin immunity is a response given by human skin to prevent disease, wound healing, and the formation of new blood vessels. Also, skin immunity means the largest organ of the body has an important role in protecting the body from exposure to something dangerous, both externally and internally.

Symptoms of clinically impaired skin immunity | GOLELY

The cells that are instrumental to the immunity of the skin are a strain. This cell is located in the epidermis layer or the outer skin part.

The cell has a primary function as a liaison and a defense of the skin. Not only that, but it also acts as a ' drug ' that helps in overcoming dryness, inflammation or scratches that occur on the skin.

Skin immunity Disorder

Skin immunity can be impaired. Therefore, his duties as a shield protecting the body from the disease can be decreased. As a result, a person will experience autoimmune skin.

Autoimmune skin is a condition in which the body's immune system attacks and eradicate cells as well as healthy tissues that are harmless. In autoimmune conditions, the body is unable to distinguish healthy cells with viruses or germs.

Some clinical symptoms may indicate that skin immunity is impaired, such as:
  • Often comes rash or redness spots
  • Persistent itching
  • Prolonged pain
  • Lesions or wounds with no obvious cause
  • Skin appears blister even when not exposed to hot substances
  • Skin pigments are getting lost over time
  • Highly sensitive to sunlight exposure
  • Nail shapes are undergoing change

If you are experiencing the above signs and symptoms, do not delay to consult your doctor immediately. Thus, the doctor can perform a complete examination to detect the earliest signs of the possibility of autoimmune connective tissue disease.

Once examined, you will usually be given a drug that aims to decrease the response of the immune system so as not to attack the skin or mucous membranes.

In general, the medications provided include corticosteroids such as prednisone, immunosuppressive drugs and biologic drugs such as rituximab. Also, to help treat and prevent further infections, you are likely given antibiotics, anti-viral and anti-fungal medications.

In addition to drug consumption, the doctor will usually also advise you to do the following:
  • To prevent infections and to help your skin stay comfortable, you should take care of the abrasions that are found in the skin. Keep the cleanliness as advised by doctors and medical personnel.
  • Frequent breaks washing sheets, towels, and clothes. Make sure all objects are directly in contact with the skin in a clean state.
  • Wash your hands using soap and water flowing with the correct technique.

Let's care more about the skin condition of the body. Keep it clean and healthy, so that skin immunity is always optimal. If you are experiencing symptoms or disorders related to skin conditions, please do not hesitate to have a doctor.