Benefits of eating red beans for diabetics

Red beans are often a topping on a fresh drink or even in daily wear. However, is it true that red beans can be beneficial to diabetes?

Red beans are a vegetable that is often a benchmark for measuring how large the kidney organs in your body. Also, red beans are now as a superfood that is recommended for consumption by diabetics. Actually, what are the benefits of red beans for health?

Benefits of eating red beans for diabetics | GOLELY

Get to know a little about Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease whose number of patients is increasing year after year, especially in Indonesia. Also, this disease does not give a significant symptom and is usually a new sign known when it has caused complications.

Early diabetic symptoms include often feeling thirsty, hungry, and frequent urination. Complications of diabetes can also lead to stroke, blindness, heart disease, kidney failure, infection and foot amputation, nerve damage, and so forth.

Diabetes is a disease that is sometimes considered trivial but can result in a variety of deadly complications. If traced, the actual disease of type two diabetes can be prevented by starting a healthy lifestyle starting from now.

Such a lifestyle is a lack of exercise and consumes too much high calorie, sugar, and fast foods. 

Also, experts advise people to consume red beans as a superfood to control blood sugar levels, both in health and diabetics.

The benefits of kidney beans for Diabetes

1. Contains High Protein

For 100 grams (equivalent half-glass) of red beans, containing 70 calories, 5 grams of protein, 12 grams of carbohydrates, and 4 grams of fiber. If viewed, the protein content in red beans is no less, you know, with protein in the flesh.

In fact, according to the American Diabetes Association, 100 grams of red beans have proteins that are equivalent to proteins in 30 grams of meat.

2. Fiber-rich

Unlike meat, red beans are free of saturated fats and are rich in fiber. Thus, kidney beans can be a healthy source of protein, and it is cheaper for sure.

The fiber content in red beans is mostly soluble fiber. This type of fiber is beneficial for maintaining digestive health. This is because it can be ' food ' for good bacteria in the gut. Also, soluble fibers are known to improve blood sugar control.

3. Contains complex carbohydrates

Carbohydrates contained in red beans are complex carbohydrates that have a low glycemic index. This is so that it is safe for people with diabetes mellitus and those who are dieting. Complex carbohydrates from red beans are generally longer digestible to the body, so that diabetic patients can satiety longer.

Diabetics are advised to reduce portions of rice and replace them with red beans. It aims to make blood sugar better controlled and can satiety for longer.

Now you already, know, right, the benefits of red beans are recommended for diabetics? In addition to rich nutrition, economical, and easy to get, red beans are easily processed into various types of cuisine, and even a substitute for rice.

To know more about the good intake for diabetic people, do not hesitate to consult with a trusted doctor.