How to overcome the condition of uterine polyps with surgery

When diagnosed with a uterine polyp, usually women are encouraged to undergo surgery. What are some things to know about this disease?

Do you want to plan a pregnancy with your spouse? After the first inspection, it turns you diagnosed with uterine polyps. It is advisable for surgery. Is it safe?

Uterine polyps can generally be solved by surgery. Because if left untreated, this condition can cause women to be difficult to conceive. The condition of a polyp or lump is usually located on the uterine wall (endometrium). 

How to overcome the condition of uterine polyps with surgery | GOLELY

Therefore, not infrequently, the uterine polyps are also referred to as endometrial polyps. What should be known about the disease that occurs only in this woman?

Overview of uterine polyps

Polyps are lumps made from the growth of abnormal cells in the uterine wall. 

Generally, these polyps are benign or do not cause cancer. However, in some cases, there are also found uterine polyps that can develop into cancer.

Women who are at risk of having uterine polyps are those who enter the age of menopause or are usually aged 40 years or older. However, polyps can also be found in women of reproductive age, but the case is very rare. The size, quantity, and location of polyps in the uterus are generally different in each patient. 

Uterine polyps generally do not cause some symptoms. However, there are certain signs that you can observe as a symptom of uterine polyps. For example, irregular menstruation, menstrual blood is very much, bleeding from the vagina, and also difficult to conceive.

Indeed, uterine polyps are not a serious illness or cause death. However, its existence can be very disturbing especially if it poses symptoms of a woman's fertility problem.

If you experience any of the aforementioned symptoms or you are a married couple who have been 1 year trying to have a doctor, we recommend that you consult a gynecologist. 

How to overcome uterine polyps

Often, the uterine polyps do not cause any symptoms so that they are not diagnosed early. However, to ensure clearer, the doctor will generally conduct a transvaginal ultrasound examination, hysteroscopy, and uterine biopsy.

The uterine polyps with small size and little amount generally do not require any treatment. If it is to interfere to have your children, then it should be treated immediately. The following steps the doctor will take as a way to overcome the uterine polyps.

1. Operation 

Uterine polyps surgery can be performed when the lump size grows larger. When the uterine polyps until the symptoms trigger symptoms, surgical removal is likely to be the treatment suggested by the doctor. 

There are two types of surgery performed for the treatment of uterine polyps. This is what you can know. 

  • Polypectomy

This is the surgery that the doctor takes to remove the polyps inside the uterus. Treatment of polyps can be done in the clinic or hospital. Before surgery, you will be drugged with local or general anesthesia so as not to feel any pain during the lifting process. 

  • Hysterectomy

This is an operation that lifts the entire part of your womb. A hysterectomy is done by making an incision in the stomach, and the uterus is removed. This surgery should be done in hospitals and with general anesthetic drugs.

2. Taking hormonal drugs

In addition to surgery, doctors will also prescribe medications that help regulate hormonal balances, such as progestins or gonadotropin-relief agonists. The drug is only used temporarily and should be obtained with a doctor's prescription. These medications help relieve symptoms. However, the symptoms will usually return after the drug is discontinued.

Now you already know, the uterine polyps that interfere with women's fertility should be treated with surgery. If you feel any other complaints about fertility or the symptoms of uterine polyps, please feel free to consult a doctor directly.