To uncover chili nutrition and health benefits

Chili pepper is used as sambal has benefits for health. Come on, check nutrition facts from the usual chili pepper makes this spicy food.

Sambal is a food that is livelily promoted by food producers. As it is known, that Sambal is all based on chili. Then, are there any nutrients gained by the body from eating chili peppers?

To uncover chili nutrition and health benefits | GOLELY

Facts about Chili Nutrition

Do know, Sambal is created with the main ingredient is chili. Chili Peppers since long known as "familiar " with the tongue of Indonesians. "Not valid, if you eat not use Sambal", about so many people who hooked eat chili.

Well, you're not wrong, so, if you eat spicy sambal. The reason is, there are many nutrients that there are many in chili peppers. One of the most numerous is capsaicin.

So, if you feel spicy after eating chili pepper, blame capsaicin for responsibly, yes. Because it is this substance that creates a sense of burning sensation in the mouth.

In addition to capsaicin, there are other nutrients in chili peppers that you should know. Healthline, Nutrition Facts for 1 tablespoon (15 grams) of cayenne pepper, fresh chili, or red chili Peppers are:

  • Calories: 6
  • Water: 88%
  • Protein: 0.3 grams
  • Carbohydrate: 1.3 grams
  • Sugar: 0.8 grams
  • Fiber: 0.2 grams
  • Fat: 0.1 grams

Also, chili peppers are rich in various vitamins and minerals. However, because they are only eaten in small quantities, their contribution to your daily intake is very small.

However, here are the benefits of chili pepper to be proud of:

  • Vitamin C in chili pepper is very high in this powerful antioxidant, which is important for wound healing and immune function.
  • Vitamin B6 in chili pepper is a role in metabolism or energy processing.
  • Vitamin K1, also known as Phylloquinone, is essential for healthy blood clotting and bone and kidney.
  • Potassium is a dietary mineral that is useful to reduce the risk of heart disease when consumed in adequate quantities.
  • Copper is an important micronutrient for making strong bones and healthy nerves.
  • Vitamin A contains A very good beta carotene to maintain the health of the skin, nerves, and eyes.

Health benefits of eating chili peppers

From now do not consider lightly chili. Do not have a view that chili is merely giving a spicy flavor. In fact, from a row of nutritional facts above, chili Peppers have benefits for the health of the body, namely:

1. Lose weight

According to some research, the content of capsaicin in chili Peppers can help lose weight. It was found that capsaicin can suppress appetite and do fat burning in the body.

However, do not just depend on spicy food alone, yes. You have to be balanced with the proper exercise and eating arrangement if you want to lose weight ideally.

2. Relieve headaches

Capsaicin, the Content in chili Peppers, has long been known to be good for health. Capsaicin is a spicy flavored substance, which when consumed raises a burning sensation in the mouth.

If you consume chili and mouth feel hot or like burning, the brain responds to it by releasing hormones adrenaline and endorphins.

Meanwhile, endorphins are the body's natural hormones that can trigger a sense of delight. Also, this hormone is beneficial in preventing pain. This is why chili pepper is often used as an alternative to treat headaches or dizziness.

3. Reduce the risk of heart disease

Eating spicy foods slightly reduces the risk of developing heart disease. Spicy foods containing chili pepper have potassium content. If it is combined with folic acid will be able to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Also, capsaicin in chili Peppers effectively lowers bad cholesterol levels (LDL) and increases good cholesterol levels (HDL) in the body.

4. Maintain Eye health

As is known, the benefits of chili pepper contains good vitamin A to keep your eyes healthy at all times. About a tablespoon of chili every day can improve visual function. It can also help in the condition of night blindness and macular degeneration.

5. Increase in metabolism

There is some research done to find out the benefits of spicy foodstuffs, such as pepper, chili, turmeric, and cinnamon. The results show that these foods can increase the body's metabolism while resting metabolic rate and lowering appetite.

Also, the capsaicin content in chili Peppers has thermogenic effects. These effects make the body able to burn excess calories after eating.

As it turns out, chili pepper is made into sambal it has good nutrients and great health benefits. But remember, you should not overeat chili peppers because it is dangerous also for digestive health.