Why is skin pH balance important?

Never ignore the pH balance of your skin! When the levels are too high or low, there will be some problems. Anything, anyway?

Sure, you want a soft, glowing, and beautiful complexion. This is what causes you to try several beauty products. Some say one way to keep skin healthy is to maintain pH balance. Really?

The pH balance (potential hydrogen) is not related to the condition of the genital area (genital) of a person. Your skin also generally has a pH level that will give you an impact on your health.

Why is skin pH balance important? | GOLELY

The importance of maintaining skin pH balance

Your body's pH balance is the ideal level of acid and base to keep your body functioning properly. This pH scale ranges from 1-14, with the number 7 considered "neutral ".

Numbers lower than 7 are acidic, whereas higher than 7 are considered alkaline or alkaline. For the skin, the pH scale tends to be slightly wider, with an acidity ranging from 4-7.

However, dermatologists agree that the 5.5 number becomes the most ideal pH level. By maintaining a pH balance in this figure, the skin can combat harmful microbes and damage free radicals that can accelerate the aging process.

Also, with normal skin pH, you will have natural moisture so it can function properly.

Skin pH can vary

However, the pH level of the skin may vary depending on the area. Areas that are rarely exposed to air because they are more frequently enclosed, such as buttocks, armpits, and genital, tend to retain their natural acidity.

However, it is with the face, chest and hands area, which tends to be more alkaline. As a cause, the areas of the skin are more exposed by elements or substances in the environment surrounding the body.

Other factors that can affect the pH of the skin include some of these things.
  • Acne.
  • Air pollution.
  • Antibacterial products.
  • Seasonal changes, with different humidity levels.
  • Cosmetic products.
  • Detergent soap.
  • Antibacterial Gel.
  • Sebum/Moisture your skin.
  • Sweat.
  • The water you use at home.
  • Exposure to sunlight.
  • Too often wash the skin surface.

For the above to not affect your skin's pH balance, some businesses can be done. Here are some ways.

  • Use a soft Soap cleanser

The use of cleansing soap is very influential at your pH level. The more cleansing your face, alkaline, the more skin irritation that might arise.

If the ingredients of the cleaning soap are more acidic, you can help fight acne. As information, acne can disappear after the skin pH level reaches below 6.

On the other hand, more alkaline-based skincare materials can precisely help keep skin in special conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis.

  • Use face Toner

Skin Toner can help neutralize the remaining skin base levels. It can also affect your skin's optimal pH levels.

  • Continue with Moisturizers

Don't miss the moisturizer in your daily skincare! Several types of moisturizers can be used, such as oils, lotions, gels, and creams. You can adjust which type best fit the skin type.

  • Exfoliation (exfoliating)

According to the expert doctor, gently exfoliate the skin once a week can have a good impact on skin health in general. This procedure can be assisted by natural ingredients, chemical peel, and microdermabrasion.

Consult with a dermatologist about treatment options that can be used to suit your skin character.

That is the reason why skin pH balance should be maintained. For normal skin pH to stay awake, it is important to choose the right skin care product.