Know the symptoms of iron deficiency in infants

Iron deficiency in infants can make small and growing flowers stunted. What are the signs that parents should be aware of?

Iron is an important nutrient for growth and development in childhood, even as see factoring as infants. However, many parents are not aware that the child is suffering from deficiency or lack of iron.

Find out what signs happen when an infant is deficient in iron, and how to treat it.

Know the symptoms of iron deficiency in infants | GOLELY

Understanding Iron function in infants

Iron is a very important nutrient for the body. Its function is to help bring oxygen running from the lungs and spread throughout the body. If breast milk or other breast milk that is given to infants are less likely to contain iron, the child will be at risk of anemia.

Anemia is a condition in which blood does not have enough healthy red blood cells. Iron deficiency that leads to anemia if left untreated can affect child growth and development.

So, mothers should know, yes, what are the signs of infant iron deficiency as it will be described below. 

Iron deficiency Baby Sign

The following are signs and symptoms of iron deficiency in infants whose parents should recognize:

1. Pale skin

If the child is a deficiency of iron, it is also risky to suffer anemia. Well, this pale skin occurs because the content of hemoglobin in the child's blood is insufficient. The red color of the blood gives the skin a red tone so that the color is not too pale. In children with iron deficiency, the amount of blood in the body is less, so the skin will look pale.

2. Fatigue

Fatigue is a sign of a child's iron deficiency. When iron is lacking, the oxygen in the body does not spread in the flat amount throughout the body. As a result, the little ones seem to be quick and tired as you play.

3. Cold hands and feet

When the legs and hands of the baby feel cold, not warm, this can be a sign that the little iron deficiency. The coldness of the hands and feet is caused by unfulfilled oxygen. The lack of iron in the body can make the spread of oxygen throughout the body uneven. 

4. Late growth and development

When the content of iron in infants is less, the development and growth of children will be hampered. The reason is that iron will not affect the amount of blood in the baby's body. Blood carries a lot of nutrients throughout the body. If it is less blood, the baby's organ does not work optimally. As a result, your baby's development is too late.

5. The baby's breathing is not smooth

When iron in infants is less, blood and oxygen supply in the body of the child decreases. In the end, your baby is prone to shortness of breath. This is because of the oxygen and blood levels circulated to the body's respiratory system less.

Then, how to solve iron deficiency in infants?

Here are some things parents can do if the baby has an iron deficiency condition:

1. Make sure the baby gets enough iron intake. If the child is still breast milk, the mother should eat food containing high iron.

2. Include iron-rich food in the food accompaniment of infant breast milk. Good sources of iron such as chicken liver, chicken meat, fish meat, tofu, peas, and also eggs.

3. Give your little vegetable a high vitamin C, for example like an orange juice that tastes not too acidic. Bunda can also give vegetables in the food escort milk mother-baby. Like broccoli or pumpkin. Vitamin C helps to absorb iron in the body.

4. Consultation with a nutritionist or specialist to diagnose a baby's iron deficiency condition. The doctor will provide a good list of foods, milk, or vitamins to prevent iron deficiency in infants.

Well, now the mother already knows, right, a sign or an iron deficiency what can happen to the baby?