Benefits of Lycopene for body health

Lycopene's are nutrients that often exist in light-colored vegetables and fruits, such as watermelon. Indeed, what health benefits can the lycopene produce?

Lycopene is a natural compound that many of us find in our daily life. For example, in bright fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, watermelon, or paprika. Why is this important nutrient only in bright fruits and vegetables?

Let's find out more about the explanation in the description below.

Benefits of Lycopene for body health | GOLELY

What Is Lycopene?

Lycopene is compounds that belong to the Carotenoid antioxidant class. Lycopene is a pigment that gives light color to fruits and vegetables.

There is a lot of health research on the benefits of lycopene that you can find out here. Among others, lycopene has health benefits for the body because it is a powerful antioxidant.

As we know, antioxidants need the body to fight free radicals and prevent cell damage in the body.

When the amount of free radicals in the body exceeds the number of antioxidants, the body will experience oxidative stress. Where the results can trigger some chronic ailments such as stroke, diabetes, heart, and cancer. This is why consuming high-food antioxidants are indispensable to the body.

Benefits of Likopen for health

Not only color pigment givers in certain vegetables and berries, but lycopene also have many health benefits for the body. Here is a list of benefits of lycopene for health:

1. Preventing cancer

With high antioxidant content, lycopene can be played against inflammation in the body. Because of the high antioxidant content, consuming fruit or vegetable containing lycopene is often advised to prevent and help the treatment of cancer.

Lycopene works by inhibiting the transformation of normal cells into cancerous cells. Some studies have shown, that this substance can inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the breast and prostate.

To achieve this benefit, researchers recommend taking the lycopene as much as 9 mg to 21 mg per day.

2. Preventing heart disease and Stroke

Like other antioxidants, lycopene is also able to lower LDL levels (bad cholesterol) and increase the level of HDL (good cholesterol) in the blood. It can be beneficial to prevent blood vessels from being degrading and lowering high blood pressure.

Also, the benefits of lycopene for health can prevent blood clotting conditions and reduce inflammation. Where these factors affect heart disease and stroke.

3. Improve Brain Health

In Alzheimer's patients, it was found that the level of lycopene in the body was low. Also, other studies have shown that high amounts of lycopene in the body can delay paralysis and slow down the memory loss of Alzheimer sufferers.

So in conclusion, good lycopene to keep the brain healthy, especially in people with certain diseases such as Alzheimer's.

4. Maintain Eye health

Almost all visual impairments are caused by oxidative stress. You can use the benefits of lycopene useful for eye health. 

Lycopene generally acts as a powerful antioxidant that can help prevent long-term vision problems, especially in cataract disease.

5. Helps nourish the bones

Most free radicals in the body also negatively affect the bones. Well, eating foods that contain lycopene and combined with exercise can strengthen and keep bones healthy.

6. Maintain Skin Health

Everyone would want to always look youthful, right? By adding lycopene into the food the day then your skin will become healthier.

Lycopene also works as a photoprotective, which protects our skin from the dangers of UV radiation.

Where lycopene is useful to improve skin texture and prevent wrinkles. Anti-inflammatory effects present in lycopene can help prevent and heal the affected skin sunburn.

7. Helps treat infertility

Based on observational research, lycopene has important health benefits for men. Men who eat a lot of vegetables and fruit containing lycopene found can increase sperm count and quality by as much as 70%.

This compound is also found to improve male reproductive health, especially prostate organs.

Very much not the benefit of lycopene for the health of the human body? Yes, you can easily get lycopene from eating tomatoes, watermelon, papaya, paprika, and oranges.

However, taking excessive lycopene is also not good for the body. Therefore, researchers recommend consuming approximately 10 mg per day.

The reason, according to the American Cancer Society, consuming more than 30 mg of lycopene is not beneficial for health. This exaggerated thing instead causes nausea, diarrhea, indigestion, and bloating. If you want to know about the benefits of the nutrients you eat.