Often seizures when fever can impact child intelligence?

Who doesn't panic see child spasms during fever? Your horror is increasing because it is said to be lowering the child's intelligence. Really?

When a child is a fever for sure, mother and father become sleepless. Moreover, should check the body temperature continuously every 30-60 minutes. Do not let the little have seizures. Because, said ancient parents, this health condition can make the child so not smart. Really?

A fever seizure is a seizure disorder that arises when a person's body temperature has increased. Usually, this condition is not related to other causes in the nervous system. The risk of the emergence of seizures will be higher when parents have a similar history.

Often seizures when fever can impact child intelligence? | GOLELY

Typical symptoms of fever cramps

Step or seizure fever in children has a typical symptom, namely, the fever will precede seizures. After the seizure, the child will be re-conscious.

Seizures generally last a few minutes, which is 10-15 minutes. Usually, this fever seizure condition will stop when the little is 5-6 years old.

Most of the types of seizures that occur when fever seizures are common seizures. The child will have a fever (usually 380C), loss of consciousness, the eye appears to be delish or flashing, both hands and feet stiff, and then the Marches.

This pattern is called a clonic tonic spasm. When seizures occur, the child will not be dismissive when called or ruled. Seizures can stop alone and after the child will be re-conscious. Meanwhile, fever seizures are differentiated into two types, namely as follows.

  • Simple fever spasms

This is the most common type. Seizures last for a few seconds to 15 minutes, do not repeat within 24 hours. This seizure also does not specifically occur in one particular body part.

  • Complex fever spasms

In this condition, the seizure occurs more than 15 minutes, repeated within 24 hours. Usually, a more dominant part of the body has seizures. For example, it starts from the hand then throughout the body.

Fever Seizures and brain development

Step occurs due to power generation in the brain. In a fever seizure, the rise occurs when the child has a fever.

Because seizures are identical to problems in the nervous system, many parents are worried it will disrupt the development and lower the child's intelligence.

However, the good news, as a result of simple fever seizures, is not shown to cause minor behavioral or cognitive problems. In other words, simple fever seizures do not lower the child's intelligence.

Experts have agreed on this and have been supported by a variety of scientific research results.

However, in some cases, fever seizures can cause problems with child development, including cognitive or intelligence. Children with a history of repeated fever seizures risk experiencing developmental delays, especially in terms of language.

Repeated fever seizures are associated with a delay in speech, especially in children aged 2.5 years. Fever spasms that occur in the first year of life also affect the development of child talk.

Also, fever seizures occurring more than 10 minutes, such as in complex fever seizures, can affect brain development. Therefore, parents need to prevent fever seizures from occurring repeatedly.

Fever Seizure Prevention

Fever seizures can be prevented by lowering the body temperature when the child has a fever. This can be done by giving the body a temperature-lowering drug and performing warm water compresses on the forehead, armpit, and elbow folds.

Also, give the child enough fluids to prevent dehydration (lack of fluid). You also need to know the "alarm" sign that you need to watch out for, which is the following.
  • The child is not re-conscious after experiencing seizures.
  • Seizures have occurred at relatively low body temperature (e.g. at < 380C body temperature).
  • Seizures last longer.
  • Children still experience seizures at age over 5 years.

If one or more of these things happen to your child, you should consult a doctor.

Fever seizures do often occur in children. However, you do not have to worry because in simple cases, fever seizures do not interfere with development and lower intelligence.