Tips to relieve low back pain at home

When left unchecked, lower back pain can trigger the keeping nerves. Here's an easy way to relieve lower back pain at home.

Low back pain that is left alone can make daily activities uncomfortable. Back pain is divided into two types, namely acute and chronic. Acute pain usually occurs within a few days or less than a month. Chronic lower back pain can take months.

Tips to relieve low back pain at home | GOLELY

Causes of lower back pain

Several causes can trigger a lower back pain condition to occur. Among other mismoves or mispositions when lifting heavy objects. 

Lifting heavy objects with the wrong position can result in back muscles stretched, torn, and finally pain. Just as with the exercise of lifting weights without heating, this can also trigger lower back pain.

Then, the aging condition of the joints such as arthritis or osteoporosis in the bones can also be a trigger for back pain. These conditions may often be experienced by people aged 30 and 50 years old. At that age, this usually occurs due to changes in body structure due to aging.

As you age, there will be a reduction in the contents of the discus fluid or bearing between the spine. Where the discs in the spine are easier to experience irritation.

In old age, your body's mass and muscle strength will also diminish and can make your back more susceptible to injury. In addition to being uncomfortable, lower back pain can also be risky to trigger the HNP (hernia nucleus pulposus) or the pinned nerve. Where the symptoms can be more powerful than just a stiff lower back muscle or tense.

Simple Tips to overcome lower back pain

When experiencing lower back pain, you can do some simple handling ways at home. This can at least reduce the pain and tension of the back muscles faster. Here's how you can:

1. Exercise to move muscles

It is a little difficult to move the lower back muscles that pain. However, you can try out low impact exercises such as relaxing roads, yoga, or swimming that are proven to relieve lower back pain complaints. 

The light exercises can relax and stretch the hardened and stiff muscles. Exercises such as relaxing walks or yoga can also release endorphin hormones. Endorphins are hormones that can naturally block pain in the body. 

It is recommended to routinely do exercises or light exercise that can prevent the occurrence of back muscle pain attacks due to stiffness.

2. Use hot or cold compresses

The way to cope with other lower back pain you can do is to compress hot water or with ice. You can use a warm water compress when a back pain injury has just happened. Take a clean cloth, soak it in hot water, pack the cloth, and place it on the aching back.  

Using heating pads can also relieve lower back muscle pain due to aches or stiffness. Read and follow the use of the heating pillow and make sure the temperature is not too hot. 

If the heating pillow is not available, you can use the warm water bottles placed in the sick area. Side effects that should be wary of and observed are burns caused by the effects of overheating.

You can also use an ice wrapped in a clean cloth to the injured area. Cold compresses are believed to reduce inflammation in the aching back. 

In an emergency, compresses can be made from frozen meats and frozen vegetables in the refrigerator. Please note that when you have ice-packs in the injured area, do not take more than 20 minutes. 

3. Stretching

Stretching for a maximum of 30 seconds per session can help relieve pain in the back. Some types of stretching movements among others such as:

  • Cobra Pose

Try lying on the face by hand on the side of the shoulder. Gently lift the chest to the top of the head towards the ceiling. Hold a maximum of 10 seconds, remove your body until it relaxes, then repeat. 

  • Child poses

Position your body sitting on the heels with the knee open as wide as the hips. Lift both hands towards the front, and then push the body forward until the head is on the floor. Hold 30 seconds, wake up, and do it again. 

4. Enough sleep

Research shows that lack of sleep can make the body's pain more pronounced. During low back pain, try your bedtime enough, at least 7 hours a day.

For people who experience lower back pain, you can try to sleep with extra pillows under the stomach. Also, you can sleep tilts and don't forget to place extra pillows between the two knees.

Note also in terms of uncomfortable mattresses or pillows that are of the wrong size. Both of these can also cause back pain. Comfort and good sleep position are very important to be able to sleep well and avoid lower back pain in the morning.