A delicious combination of fruit and vegetable juices for you to try

Drinking fruit and vegetable juice is well known for its health benefits. Do you still confuse the material choice? Tip Some combinations, let me!

Of the many kinds of fruits and vegetables, you shouldn't be stuck to your favorite types only. Try some other fruits and vegetables to make juice so you can feel other health benefits.

A delicious combination of fruit and vegetable juices for you to try | GOLELY

A combination of fruit and vegetable juices worth trying

Worried about the taste of un delicious fruit and vegetable juices? You don't have to worry anymore. Here are some combinations that you can try. Healthy and delicious!

1. Cucumber, Kale, and pear

The combination of these three ingredients will feel refreshing, especially when drunk during the hot day. High pear fruit will be pectin content that can help lower cholesterol and improve digestive health.

The high fiber in it will also make you feel full longer. In the meantime, kale vegetables contain many important vitamins and substances to help fight cancer cells, such as sulforaphane and indole-3. 

Then, plus cucumber with silica content is beneficial to improve the connective tissue in the body and brighten the skin. It's healthy, too beautiful skin.

2. Avocado, celery, cucumber, and Lemon

Not only delicious mixed chocolate milk, but avocado is also delicious when mixed celery, cucumber, and lemon. Vegetables that contain lots of water will blend perfectly with the thick texture of avocado. 

This makes the drink feel lighter. Celery can help lower blood pressure and supply water and electrolytes. Then, the cucumber contains vitamins A, B, and C to increase immunity.

Whereas, lemon can slow the oxidation in the body and give vitamin C intake. This juice drink is suitable to hydrate the body especially after exercising.

3. Sugarcane and carrot

If you are a sweet flavor, this combination could be an option. The natural sugar that is in the cane is certainly better than artificial sweeteners. Sugar cane contains magnesium, potassium, calcium, and iron.

Nutritional content is beneficial to the health of the body. Then, carrots have a fiber content and vitamin A that has been known benefits for eye health.

4. Star Fruit and Strawberry

The taste of star fruit tends to sour indeed is not always a favorite of many people. However, when mixed with strawberries, it will be more delicious refreshing! The fruit, known as starfruit in English, contains fewer calories and has many vitamins such as C and B-complex. 

Needless to doubt, strawberries are also very beneficial to health. The antioxidant content in it can help ward off free radicals and polyphenols can fight cancer as well as other harmful diseases. 

5. Mango, cherry, and red dragon fruit

What are these three fruits also your favorite? Mango has a lot of essential nutrients for the body especially eyes such as vitamin A and beta-carotene. Meanwhile, cherry berries can improve cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of stroke. Lastly, the Red Dragon fruit can support your immune system with antibacterial and anti-fungal substances in it.

That's some idea of a combination of fruit juice and healthy vegetable juice for your consumption. Preferably, avoid using an artificial sweetener to make the best benefit in the juice maximum.