3 Breast cancer Risk factors

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer attacking women. But it does not mean that any breast lump means breast cancer. Because some other diseases can cause complaints in the breast area. Therefore, let us know more about breast cancer!

3 Breast cancer Risk factors | GOLELY

What is breast cancer?

Breast cancer is the development of cancer tissues of the breast tissues, especially the coating that lines the milk channel. Breast tissue in breast cancer can grow abnormally, and cannot be controlled by the body. In the advanced stage, this breast tissue can spread to different parts of the body outside the breast.

There are various risk factors for breast cancer, among others:

1. Diet
Breast cancer is associated with a high-fat diet, obesity and alcohol consumption. However, some foods prevent breast cancer.

2. Smoking
People who smoke have a higher danger of creating bosom malignant growth.

3. Genetic
Genetics can also increase the risk of breast cancer. One genetic factor allegedly associated with breast cancer is the alteration or mutation of a gene called BRCA1 and BRCA2. Individuals with changes or mutations of these genes may have an increased risk of breast cancer even up to 60-80% compared to those without mutations.

Characteristics of breast cancer

Breast cancer has several characteristics that you need to look at. A person with breast cancer can complain of an unequivocal lump. Sometimes these bumps are seen when moving your arms or lifting your arms. Also, the curve or withdrawal of breast skin can occur in breast cancer.

Another symptom that you can experience is the discharge of the bleeding fluid from the nipple. Milk nipple can also be seen changing position and not symmetrical between the left and right breasts. Notice also the bump elsewhere, especially the folding part of the armpit. Try to do this in this section, and feel whether there are unusual bumps in this section.

Learn Your breasts!

Detecting cancer at an early stage means more effective treatment and a better safety figure. One easy way to detect breast cancer is by conducting a self-contained breast exam. It's easy to do because you're the most aware of your own breast changes!

Do this check in front of the mirror, see if your breasts are symmetrical, whether there is a lump, whether any skin recall or liquid is coming out. Apply a feel to all parts of the breasts from the base to the nipple. Look for bumps or may feel painful areas if pressed. Do this check regularly, so you can know the slightest change.

Routine screening of breast cancer such as mammography can also be done to minimize the risk of breast cancer,, consult with your doctor before performing this examination!

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