Best drink to overcome dehydration

Apparently, it is not only potent white water overcoming dehydration. This is another good row of beverages to overcome dehydration.

Sure you already know if dehydration is a condition in which the body lacks fluid. This condition occurs due to the amount of fluid coming out of the body more than the amount entered. As a result, the body will feel weaker and not energetic while on the activity.

One of the ways that can be done to prevent dehydration is to properly meet fluid intake. White water is often referred to as the most effective, but apparently, there are still other rows of drinks that are good for overcoming dehydration.

Best drink to overcome dehydration | GOLELY

White Water is one of the few types of drinks that are best for preventing and overcoming dehydration. Generally, adult males need at least 2.5-2.6 liters of white water per day, while mature women require at least 2.3 liters.

Infants and children have different fluid needs anymore and depending on their age, namely:

> 0-6 months need liquid 700 ml per day
> 7-12 months need liquid 800 ml per day
> 1-3 years need 1300 ml per day
> 4-8 years need 1700 ml per day
> 9-13 years require 2400 ml per day in males and 2100 ml per day in females
> 14-18 years require 3300 ml per day in males and 2300 ml per day in females
Not only prevents dehydration, but white water can also serve to increase energy and brain function. Because most brains consist of water. So, if the body is deficient in liquids, the brain will also not function properly.

Besides water, what more drinks are good for dehydration?
If you are thirsty and there is no white water that can ' save ', then a drink containing high electrolytes such as coconut water can be alternatively.

In addition to its sweet and refreshing taste, coconut water also offers several other health benefits – including to overcome dehydration. Because coconut water contains electrolytes that can replace lost body fluids quickly. Moreover, sodium, calcium, potassium, and magnesium content in it are also good to prevent dehydration problems.

Then, there are also pure fruit juices that you can choose to overcome the problem of dehydration. To be used as a juice, choose fruits that contain lots of water such as watermelon, strawberries, apples, and melon. Avoid adding artificial sugar to your juice because it can trigger a thirst overload after drinking it.

Beverages that can trigger dehydration

However, keep in mind that not all types of drinks can cope with dehydration. Several types of drinks can actually trigger it, even worsening the condition. The following are the drinks:

  • Coffee
Coffee contains caffeine which is diuretic. This means it can increase the water drain from the body through urine formation.

Not allowed to drink coffee, but should avoid the amount of excess coffee intake and limit only two to three cups each day. Also, avoid adding sugar or other sweeteners into coffee because sugar is absorbing liquids, potentially causing the body to lack fluid.

  • Alcohol
Besides being bad for kidney health, alcohol is also bad for the dehydration condition that you are experiencing. As with coffee, alcohol is also diuretic which can exacerbate the condition of dehydration.

Not only that, but excess alcohol consumption can also cause electrolyte imbalance and disrupt the body's work system in absorbing fluid.

  • Sparkling Beverages
When the weather is hot, drinking sparkling drinks with a glass of ice cubes does look refreshing. But, it turns out that sparkling drinks also contain caffeine, although in low quantities.

Also, each soda drink has different caffeine content. As with caffeine, soda drinks are also a lot of artificial sweeteners that can exacerbate the condition of dehydration and cause other health problems, such as obesity and diabetes.

Basically, white water is still the best choice in overcoming dehydration. However, if the situation does not allow you to drink water, then there are still other drinks to choose from. Also, avoid the consumption of beverages that are diuretic and contain artificial sweetener if you do not want to dehydrate it is worse.