How To Reproduce Breast Milk

One of the delights and pride of being a mother is having the option to breastfeed the berries well. In any case, a few ladies can attempt the issue of unfluent breast milk production. If you experience it, there are several ways to multiply the ones you can do at home.

The World Health Agency advises to provide the exclusive infant breast milk for 6 months and then continued until the age of 2 years accompanied by an accompanying meal. However, not a few women face obstacles in breastfeeding his heart, one of which is due to lack of breast milk.

How To Reproduce Breast Milk | GOLELY

How to Multiply

The problem of little or less production of breast milk is very complex. This condition can be caused by several factors. Nevertheless, breastfeeding mothers should still be calm. Some of the following steps can be done to multiply.

1. Should be balanced

Breast milk is the principle of demand and how much it generates, in terms of having to balance. Hence, the easy way to multiply breast milk is to "remove it".

Breast milk is the principle of supply and demand, depending on how much consumption of infant milk. That is, the more often you breastfeed, the more the production of her mother's milk. 

Want as much as anything to eat a sweet leaf or other breast milk, but if it is not often breastfeeding or not often pump breast milk, the product can go down.

Also, should be remembered, if anyone said too often breastfeeding or pumping can make dry breast milk, it's a myth.

2. Adequate rest and nutritional intake

Nursing mothers need a break enough to help the production of breast milk smoothly. In addition to being able to produce breast milk well, it takes energy gained from the food.

Nursing mothers need an additional about 500 calories per day.

Try to consume foods that are high in iron (meat, green vegetables, broccoli) and high in fiber (fruits and vegetables) to stay healthy during breastfeeding.

Also, the production of breast milk requires fluid, because 90 percent consists of liquids. Notice the adequacy of your fluid during lactation. Giddy complaints, dry mouth, thirst, and headaches can be a marker that you lack drinking.

3. Avoid stress

The emotional factors of mothers, such as anxiety, stress, shyness, including excessive worries about the production of breast milk can lead to decreased production of breast milk.

4. Try skin-to-skin contact

Direct contact from the skin to skin with the baby can also help the production of breast milk. For nursing mothers, this can help bond with the infant and increase breast milk production. As for infants, this activity reduces the stress on babies, assists in the regulation of baby's body temperature, improves breathing, and helps babies breastfeed longer.

How to do it, let the baby naked (can wear diapers and hats) then put on the chest of mothers, so there are skin contacts between you and the baby. Cover the baby with a blanket while doing this so that it is not cold.

What to avoid?

There are also some things that you should stop or avoid to maintain the smooth production of your breast milk. What are the things?

  • Limit intake of sugar, salt, fats, and processed foods. Very unwise hung food intake of junk food while breastfeeding. Apply low-fat and fiber-high dietary patterns.
  • Avoid cigarette smoke because this habit can reduce the production of breast milk. Also, be sure to avoid cigarette smoke as it can interfere with the baby's lung development.
  • Avoid alcohol, because the consumption can inhibit the growth of the little fruit.
  • Be sure to consult with your doctor before using any medications.
  • Avoid drastic weight loss during lactation. Many new mothers give birth who want to quickly lose weight because it wants the body shape before. Unfortunately, a strict diet can reduce breast milk production. Women with normal body weight before pregnancy are recommended to lose weight not more than 1 kg per month after the first month of breastfeeding. While in women who have excess before pregnancy, can decrease up to 2 kg per month.
  • Do not miss the time of breastfeeding or replace breast milk intake. These two things can interfere with the discharge of your breasts, thereby reducing the demand for breast milk production. Consequently, the production of breast milk is decreasing.

Multiply breast milk You can do in the ways suggested above. But if it can't make your mother's milk production growth, it's a good idea to consult a lactation consultant or see a doctor check your condition and get the right solution.

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