5 This condition can be fathomed with needle therapy

Do you know, some wellbeing conditions can be fathomed by needle therapy?

Needle therapy is a sort of customary Chinese medicine that has been known centuries. This therapy can be believed to stimulate nerves, muscles, and connective tissues. Application has also been worldwide often included in various medical therapies. Some trusted medical conditions can be addressed with the help of acupuncture. What are you?

Acupuncture involves the stirring of thin needles into the skin at various strategic points in the skin, and this method has been extensively researched and proven to be good for various medical conditions.

5 This condition can be fathomed with needle therapy | GOLELY

Reported from Best Health Magazine, traditional acupuncture practitioners say that needles in particular work with your natural energy channels to soothe or member energy on various parts of the body and help the body heal itself. Modern research also confirms that energy channeling works and is in line with the body's nervous system.

So, what are the conditions that can be solved with acupuncture?

1. Body Pain

Acupuncture is known to relieve pressure in the neck, back pain, as well as headaches. This technique is also often used to relieve pain and improve mobility after injury or accident.

"Acupuncture can lead cortisol hormones to approach the pain point, which can help mobilize joints, create motion while helping soothe muscles," said Gayle Hulme, owner of Lakeview Physiotherapy & Acupuncture in Canada.

Sometimes, needles are inserted into the place of pain to help relax the muscles or improve the weak muscles. Practitioners can also find other areas of the body contributing to the onset of pain, such as pressure on the legs or the position of the shoulder that is not fitting.

2. Allergies

Allergies occur due to excessive immune system reactions when exposed to certain substances from outside the body. The symptoms can be appeased, among others, runny eyes and moisture. According to a 2008 experiment in 5,000 people in Germany, those who have a rhinitis allergy and get acupuncture therapy can more control the recurrence of symptoms than those who do not undergo acupuncture.

3. Indigestion

The soothing effect of acupuncture, along with its ability to "awaken" parts of the body that do not work well and treat inflammation, makes it appropriate to address digestive problems. Some people who have digestive problems such as Syndrome and bowel syndrome (IBS), abdominal pain, or constipation often rely on acupuncture as a companion therapy.

Also, acupuncture combined with physiotherapy exercises can help with pelvic problems such as urinary incontinence (unable to withstand urination). The needle will not be inserted into the waist area, but at the point that supports the strengthening of pelvic floor muscles.

4. Mental health

Acupuncture treatment can give you a sense of emotional and mental calmness. That is why this therapy is called potent dampening stress and so an interesting option to address problems such as insomnia. Acupuncture can help many mental health problems such as depression and addiction to addictive substances.

5. Fertility

More and more fertility doctors recommend acupuncture as a primary therapy as well as alternative therapies to support the effectiveness of artificial insemination (IUI) or in-vitro fertilization (IVF).

"Acupuncture is good for fertility that works by rebalancing hormones, circulation, and metabolism," said Linda Xu, an acupuncturist from Total Wellness Center in Toronto, Canada. Generally, the needle is not only inserted into the abdomen area, but also the legs, knees, head, and hands. Acupuncture is also a lot of reliable men who have problems with sperm and have an impact on its efficacy.

If you experience the above conditions, it may be possible to consider acupuncture techniques to handle the complaints you feel. Remember, choose a safe acupuncture place, with certified practitioners, or on a doctor's recommendation. For those of you who have a complaint in your neck, you should consult your doctor first to determine the safest type of therapy.

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