Tips for solving depersonalization disorders

Depersonalization disorders can be very agonizing for the sufferer. Is there a way to get out of the trap meshes?

Ever heard of a depersonalization disorder term? This condition occurs when a person feels his or her soul disengaged and watches over his or her body from outside or feels self-observing from the outside. Because the effect can make the sufferer could not distinguish reality and dream. Is there a way to solve it?

It does not forever depersonalize the bad impact. When experienced in a short time, it will not interfere with daily activities and can disappear on its own.

Tips for solving depersonalization disorders | GOLELY

However, if later this depersonalization continues to interfere with the activity, what is experienced is already a depersonalization disorder. Not infrequently this disorder poses stress to depression.

Therefore, once a person is diagnosed with a depersonalization disorder, proper therapy should be administered.

Get to know a depersonalization disorder and trigger

A depersonalization disorder occurs when a person feels his or her soul is outside his body — as if he were dreaming and seeing his body run alone. Also, other symptoms may arise such as:
  • Feel the hand, feet, or other body parts shrink and the head is wrapped in cloth.
  • Apis to the surrounding environment.
  • Often be flat, difficult to feel sad, joyful or angry.

The various symptoms of this depersonalization disorder generally arise after a person faces a major event in his or her life of an unpleasant nature. These events can be psychic trauma in childhood, loss, war, persecution, rape, harassment, or natural disasters.

In addition to psychic trauma, a depersonalization disorder can also arise as a result of other diseases in the body such as seizures, tumors, and other diseases in the brain, other psychiatric disorders, to drug abuse.

The depersonalization symptoms can take place in hours, days, weeks or even months, and are very disruptive to daily activities. If undiagnosed and untreated, a depersonalization disorder can trigger stress to depression. Sufferers can feel useless like no future.

Handling of depersonalization disorders

Some of the treatment methods that can be preferred in assisting in addressing depersonalization disorders include:

1. Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy is the main choice in the treatment of depersonalization disorders. Psychotherapy or psychiatric therapy aims to explore possible triggers underlying the emergence of interference.

This therapy will also help the patient through his or her past trauma (if it is the cause) and again able to live a normal daily personal and social life.

2. Medical Medicines

There is no specific remedy to cope with depersonalization disorders. Medical medications are generally administered if a depersonalization disorder is also accompanied by depression or anxiety disorders.

3. Family Therapy

Support and family participation in helping people with depersonalization disorder is necessary.

Families must first understand that their recovery may take a long time. Also, each family member and another engaged person must ensure that they remain positive during the recovery phase.

4. Music Therapy and Art

In addition to psychotherapy, medical medication, and family therapy, music, and art therapy can also be a supportive treatment in addressing depersonalization disorders. This therapy will make the sufferer more free to express expression positively.

5. Clinical Hypnosis

To optimize therapy in overcoming depersonalization disorders, clinical hypnosis can be more comprehensive. Hypnosis is done with certain techniques that will trigger relaxation.

This technique can then help to explore the things underlying the disorder in a relaxed manner, to help patients overcome them gradually.

That's some tips for overcoming depersonalization disorders. The need for therapy and treatment to overcome these disorders may vary by person. Consult a psychologist or psychiatrist to find the best way out for the healing and targeted recovery rates.

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