7 Benefits of a less-known Kucai leaf

Even though it is regularly utilized as a supplement or embellishment of nourishment, the forgets about are likewise gone to have numerous sound advantages, you know!

Similar to scallion, the leaves are often found in Asian cuisine. Not only delicious, in fact, but these leaves also have many health benefits that cannot be crossed.

The Garlic chives Plant (Allium tuberosum) is a species of plant-derived from the genus Onion (allium).

7 Benefits of a less-known Kucai leaf | GOLELY

Compared with green onion, the leaves do have a rather thin shape, but the vegetables contain many nutrients. The nutrients referred to include vitamin K, A, C, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and choline. So that the benefits can be more pronounced, you can not "stingy" when processing it, for example when cooking rice or fried sprouts.

Garlic Chives Leaf Benefits

Here are the benefits that you can get by consuming the leaves in portions and appropriate processing:

1. Lowering cancer risk

Almost all vegetables and berries can help prevent chronic diseases such as cancer. Because vegetables and fruits contain many antioxidants, so it can ward off all free radicals that cause disease.

Not only that, but various studies have also reported that vegetables including onions are anticancer. Because it is included in the onion, the consumption can also help lower the risk of cancer. It was evidenced by the study published in the "Journal of the National Cancer Institute". 

Some cancers that are known to be prevented by consuming the garlic chives are prostate cancer, stomach cancer, and esophageal cancer (esophagus).

2. Lowering cholesterol

The leaf of Kucai contains fiber required by the body. Consuming adequate amounts of fiber daily can help lower the level of bad cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein or LDL).

3. Lowering high blood pressure

Not only that, but the leaf of garlic chives can also help lower the risk of hypertension thanks to the content of allicin, which is a quality of organosulfur compounds. The substance releases nitrite oxide, so that blood vessels are not stiff. The contents of Kuersetin (quercetin) in garlic chives can prevent plaque buildup in the arteries.

4. Help maintain bone health

Not only milk, but the leaves of garlic chives also able to help maintain bone health. This is because the leaves contain vitamin K, which helps to increase the protein production of osteocalcin bone. This Protein serves to maintain bone mineral density so that it can help prevent bone loss of osteoporosis.

5. Help reduce stress

The leaves contain several folates, which is a natural form of vitamin B9. By consuming a lot of foods containing folate such as leaves, homocysteine formation (an amino acid produced by the body as a result of protein metabolism) associated with heart disease and blood vessels can be prevented.

Also, low levels of homocysteine in the body are associated with a better mood. In the end, you will avoid stress or depression.

6. Prevent cataracts

The leaves of garlic chives also contain the content of Karotein lutein and Zeaxanthin. The two compounds are beneficial for reducing oxidative stress (damage to blood vessels and body organs due to the unstable and uncontrollable free radical movements) and inhibit the development of cataracts in the eye. 

For maximum results, you can make a garlic chives leaf soup with carrots.

7. Maintain brain recall

The leaves contain choline, which can maintain the quality of brain memory. The study in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" says, adequate supply of choline from the intake of adequate amounts of garlic chives daily also maintains cognitive function and memory.

The seven benefits above are more than enough to include the leaves of the garlic chives into a healthy daily menu. But remember, avoid excessive consumption. For those of you who are onion allergies, it's good to avoid having adverse side effects.

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