7 Psychological treatments that can improve your Mental wellbeing

Different psychological therapies are already widely available to help cope with those who have mental health problems. Unfortunately, the stigma of crazy people makes many of those who are reluctant to undergo therapy.

Thankfully lately mental health problems began to get quite widespread attention. This is a positive thing.

Hopefully, with increased awareness of the many mental problems that may occur, people can better understand those who have mental problems and stop the stigma of the crazy people who have been attached.

7 Psychological treatments that can improve your Mental wellbeing | GOLELY

Surely this will make those who feel have problems with their mental health so it is not ashamed anymore to seek the help of psychiatric specialists or psychiatrists. 

A range of psychological therapies that can help you

Then, what psychological therapies can help improve your mental health? Here are some of them that have proven effective:

1. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

This is one of the most commonly used psychological therapies. This therapy aims to change the wrong thinking, behavior, or emotion toward something so that it can solve problems and improve the feeling of happiness.

The principle of CBT is that thinking and perception will influence behavior, so achieving "healthy" thinking and perception is key. 

CBT can be used for a variety of mental conditions, such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), phobia, or insomnia.

2. Interpersonal Therapy (IPT)

IPT is a relatively new type of therapy but has a similar principle to CBT. 

If CBT focuses more on how thought could affect the sufferer's perception of itself, then IPT aims to change the thinking and behaviors that affect a person's relationship, 

IPT is widely used to treat mood disorders, such as bipolar disorder. Also, this therapy is often used in times of difficulty in a person's life, such as after a divorce or death of a family member.

There are four main problems that IPT can handle:
  • Problems with relationships, for example, feel isolated or involved in relationships that make you feel unhappy.
  • It helps resolve unresolved grief.
  • It helps overcome life's difficult changes, such as moving shelter, retirement, or divorce.
  • It helps solve problems arising in the relationship due to conflicting expectations between you, spouse, family, or friends.

3. Marriage and Family Therapy

This therapy is also known as marriage counseling or family counseling. This therapy seeks to learn the behavior of family members, as well as how it affects relationships with other family members and the family as a whole.

In this therapy, you will usually undergo a private session with the therapist for several times. After that, just finally you and your spouse or other family members undergo a session together.

This therapy is highly effective for addressing conflicts between husband and wife, or between family members. According to a study, 70 percent of couples who participated in this therapy successfully solved the problem.

4. Psychodynamic Therapy

This is one form of therapy that requires deep speech. 

This therapy will encourage you to talk freely about the various problems, fears, dreams, and fantasies you have. The goal is to reduce existing negative symptoms and increase self-confidence.

These therapies are widely used to cope with depression, as well as in those who are troubled in shaping and maintaining relationships or losing the meaning of life. 

Psychodynamic therapy can generally be beneficial to those who are aware of problems but are difficult to solve.

5. Art Therapy

These therapies give you the freedom to express yourself through art – like painting, drawing, coloring, or sculpting. 

Later on, experienced therapists can help you understand the meaning behind the artwork and associate it with your feelings and behaviors.

Art therapy is often used in children, although it can be lived by anyone without age restriction. The benefits, among others, can improve skills in building relationships with others as well as processes and ways of resolving problems.

6. Psychoeducation

Psychoeducation is the process of providing education on certain mental issues, including basic knowledge of your mental state, how to solve problems, how and where to seek further relief, and so on. 

This therapy can be lived in the form of classes, support groups, or private sessions with therapists.

7. Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy aims to target your unconscious so that giving suggestions to solve mental problems can be better received. 

This therapy is more commonly used in conjunction with other types of therapy. Generally, these therapies are advised to solve specific problems, such as phobia, insomnia, want to quit smoking or sexual dysfunction.

Now, you already know if many psychological therapies can be lived to improve mental health. But it should also be remembered, the positive results of these therapies will not be immediately seen by several therapies. Allow time for the therapeutic process to help with your problems.

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