8 Bowel cancer Risk factors

One of the deadliest types of cancer is bowel cancer. Identify a range of risk factors for bowel cancer and early warning.

Colon cancer is once again proved to be one of the deadliest cancers in the world. Being under lung cancer, bowel cancer is a type of cancer number two causes in the world both in women and men.

Essentially, risk factors for all cancers – including colorectal cancer that attack the colon and rectum – remain the same. Some factors cannot be modified such as genetics, gender, and age as well as lifestyle factors that can be modified.

8 Bowel cancer Risk factors | GOLELY

What are the risk factors for bowel cancer?

While several risk factors can be modified and some are not, all of these factors cannot be separated because they affect one another.

Here is the exposure to a variety of colon cancer risk factors you should know:

1. Factors that cannot be modified

  • Genetic
As it is widely known that the risk of cancer increases when one has a genetic history of his parents. To figure it out, find out if your parents or grandparents have had cancer.

  • Disease history
In addition to cancer, a history of some bowel-related diseases such as colorectal polyps (colon and rectum), inflammatory bowel syndrome, and diabetes may also increase the risk of bowel cancer.

  • Age
When entering old age certainly all systems in the body will decrease its function, including cells that inhibit the occurrence of cancer. According to the Ministry of Health data in 2015, entering the age above 45 years the risk of colorectal cancer increases, especially above the age of 65 years.

  • Gender and ethnicity
Colorectal cancer is more attacking men than in women. Meanwhile, ethnic, African-American and Eastern European are ethnic who have the highest risk of colorectal cancer in the world.

2. Factors that can be modified

  • Food
People who do not like to eat vegetables and fruits containing high fiber are susceptible to the need and colorectal polyps, thereby increasing the risk of colorectal cancer. Also, high-fat foods such as red meat, organ meats and processed meats such as corned beef, sausages, as well as burgers increase the risk of bowel cancer.

Especially if the type of food is fried using oil with high temperature or burned. The black burnt part of the burned food is a carcinogenic substance that triggers cancer.

  • Sedentary Lifestyle
The pattern of lazy life, rarely moving and sports are referred to as a sedentary lifestyle. This life pattern will cause a person to suffer from excessive weight or obesity to metabolic diseases such as diabetes that increase the risk of colorectal cancer.

  • Excess weight or obesity
Insulin is known as one of the cells that promote cancer cells. In people with excess body weight or obesity, insulin can become resistant and will increase in the body, so the risk of cancer will increase.

  • Cigarette and alcohol
Substances in cigarettes and alcohol are known to increase the emergence of free radicals in the body so that it can trigger cancer.

Of course, risk factor-the trigger of bowel cancer – which cannot be modified will be very difficult to avoid. The only key to avoid the risk of this deadly disease is to exercise a healthy lifestyle. So wait no more? Let's change your life's pattern to be healthier from now on!