8 different ways to bring down disease hazard factors

Hearing that somebody you know is being assaulted by malignant growth, there must be a feeling of trouble. Particularly if the condition happens in your family. If by chance you have a cancer risk factor, you can do several ways to decrease the chances of the emergence of these factors.

Globocan 2018 Data mentioned that there were 18.1 million new cases of cancer with a mortality rate of 9.6 million. In the world, 1 in 5 men and 1 in 6 women have cancer. Also, 1 in 8 men and 1 in 11 women died accordingly.

8 different ways to bring down disease hazard factors | GOLELY

How to reduce cancer risk factors

There are indeed several risk factors that make a person at higher risk of developing cancer. However, it does not mean the emergence of cancer can not be prevented.

Every living creature has a cancer-causing gene that can arise at any time if there are trigger factors. But don't panic right away, there are a few ways you can do to lower the risk factor for cancer.

1. Quit smoking

Smoking can increase the number of cancer cells in the lungs, mouth, throat, larynx, and also kidneys. Sucking one bar of cigarettes every day is associated with cancer of the oral cavity and pancreas.

These are not only experienced smokers, but also passive smokers. Therefore, strive to quit smoking and refrain from exposure to smoke.

2. Reduce consumption of burned food

A study from the University of North Carolina, USA, mentions, consuming too often that meat burned or baked-on coal can increase the risk of death in cancer patients, especially breast cancer.

This is because hazardous chemicals heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) can be released when the meat is roasted or burned at high temperatures. The compound eventually transformed into an agent that could potentially trigger cancer later in the day.

If you have a barbecue get-togethers in the near term, avoid roasting meat too long and don't bake meat that has been processed like sausage and bacon. Because it can improve harmful chemical reactions.

Also, do not forget to clean the grill, so that no harmful chemical content is left behind and sticking to the baked goods.

3. Avoid exposure to sunlight too often

Skin malignant growth is the most preventable sort of disease.

Avoid exposure to sunlight too often between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Also, do not forget to apply sunscreen with a minimum SPF 30 to protect your skin from UV rays. 

4. Keep your ideal weight

Maintaining ideal body weight is proven to decrease various risks of cancer such as breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and kidney cancer.

In addition to applying a healthy diet, the ideal weight can be gained or maintained with regular exercise.

Try to sport three times a week, for at least 30 minutes a day. No need to exercise that is too heavy, leisurely walk in the home complex includes healthy sports that can lower the risk of cancer. 

5. Don't forget vaccines

One of the causes of cancer that has been "spotted" is the result of viruses. The doctor recommends the hepatitis B vaccine.

Hepatitis B vaccine is done to prevent the disease from appearing, which ultimately lowers the risk of liver cancer.

Also, the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is highly recommended as it can decrease the incidence of cervical cancer and penile cancer.

6. Reduce alcohol consumption

Research has proved even the habit of drinking alcoholic beverages can increase the risk of some cancers, including breast, mouth, throat, vocal cords, esophagus, liver, colon, and anally. More alcohol is consumed, the risk is getting bigger.

Men are advised not to consume more than two glasses per day, while women are not more than one glass per day. One glass here is equivalent to 354 ml of beer, 147 ml of wine, or 443 ml liquor.

In some types of cancer, a combination of excessive alcohol consumption and tobacco use substantially increases the risk of cancer. Based on data from the World Health Agency (WHO), in 2010 cancers associated with alcohol consumption contributed to 337,400 deaths around the world, especially among men.

7. Protect yourself from exposure to environmental pollution

Water pollution, air, and soil containing carcinogenic chemistry contribute to the emergence of cancer.

Based on the data from the WHO, environmental air pollution is classified as carcinogens or human cancer triggers. It is thought that outdoor pollution resulted in 3.2 million premature deaths worldwide in 2012, including over 200,000 deaths from lung cancer. Therefore, do not forget to bring masks and wear them while you are doing in the polluted outdoor areas.

Also, more than 4 million people died early on the illness caused by household pollution from cooking activities with solid fuel, and 6 percent of the deaths are caused by lung cancer.

The indoor pollution from coal-burning is doubling the risk of lung cancer, especially in women who do not smoke. Exposure to carcinogens can also occur through food contamination, such as aflatoxins or dioxin.

Other toxins that need to be avoided are asbestos, benzene, aromatic amine, and polychlorinated brominated (PCBs).

8. Avoid radiation exposure

Exposure to all types of ion radiation, from natural and man-made sources, can increase the risk of different types of cancer, including leukemia and tumors.

The risk will increase when exposure occurs at an early age as well when the amount of the presentation is high. Ultraviolet radiation and especially sunlight radiation in the category of carcinogens in humans can lead to various types of skin cancers.

Radiation is also performed as a series of therapies and can save many lives while avoiding more invasive procedures. Nevertheless, improper use of radiation can be harmful to the patient. The radiological tests must be appropriately determined and performed properly to prevent adverse harm, especially in children.

Radiation exposure in the home environment can also arise from radon, i.e. radioactive gases that sometimes exist in soil and building materials, which can increase the risk of lung cancer. At-Home radon levels can be lowered by enhancing the ventilation system, repairing cracked walls and floors, replacing old pipes, or creating stilt houses and making pipes to drain radon out.

That's a variety of ways to lower cancer risk factors. Also, do not forget to do routine health checks, including cancer screening, for example in the colon, breast, cervical, lung, and prostate. Remember, the more premature the cancer is detected, the therapeutic success rate is also higher. Optimize also by applying a healthy lifestyle: a balanced healthy diet and a lot of foods that are high in antioxidants, enough rest, avoid stress, and of course diligent exercise!

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