Best sports for individuals beyond 50 years old years

The older must continue working out. However, recollect indeed, do the correct exercise for individuals for more than 50 years.

Exercise for individuals more than 50 years of age is crucial to slow down the process of organ impairment. Not only that, but weight gain is also one of the problems that often occur as you age. 

This condition can have a bad impact on health, especially when it leads to obesity. You are more at risk of experiencing heart problems, strokes, and other chronic diseases.

Best sports for individuals beyond 50 years old years | GOLELY

Chronic pain and disease, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus, may begin to appear in the age range of 50. Also, a decrease in estrogen hormones in women begins to occur so that the risk of heart disease is increasing.

Appropriate exercise for ages 50 years and above

Well, physical activity and exercising regularly can keep all functions of the body going well. However, you who are over 50 years of age should not haphazardly exercise movement to prevent potential injuries.

Here's a recommended exercise for someone ages 50:

1. Walking
It is a simple sport, but very effective. Walking will build your stamina, strengthen your lower body muscles, and help combat bone disease, such as osteoporosis. You can do only it or with your companions.

2. Jogging
If you like a little sweating while exercising, try jogging to increase your heart rate. 

As long as you do it slow and steady, wear the right shoes, as well as a short break alias does not impose the condition, your joints will be fine. 

Soft surfaces, such as tracks or lawns, can also help. Don't forget, stretch and warm-up beforehand to reduce the chances of injury.

3. Cycling
Cycling is excellent when you have a stiff or sore joint because your feet don't have to sustain your weight. These workouts make your blood move and form muscles on the front and back of your legs, as well as your hips. 

4. Tennis
Racquet sports, including tennis, squash, and badminton, are excellent for your heart. 

Playing tennis 2-3 times a week is also associated with better stamina and reaction time, lower body fat, and ' good ' HDL cholesterol higher.

Also, playing tennis can build bones, especially in the arms, lower back, and neck. For those aged 50 and above, you are advised to play in doubles.

5. Swim
People aged 50 years and above can exercise longer in water than on land. 

There are no burdens that put pressure on your joints that make them sick. Also, water offers resilience to build muscles and bones.

Swimming can also burn calories and make your heart like jogging and biking, but your body condition is not too hot. Moisture also helps people with asthma to breathe.

6. Yoga
Doing a series of poses in yoga actively will stretch and strengthen your muscles. The movements in yoga also strengthen the tendons and ligaments that can eventually unite the bones. 

Yoga core to the caring breathing makes it a kind of meditation as well. Doing yoga regularly can help lower your heart rate and blood pressure as well as reduce anxiety and depression. 

7. Tai Chi
The martial arts of Chinese origin is often also referred to as ' moving meditation '. You move your body slowly and gently, flowing from one position to another, while you breathe deeply. 

Not only good for balance, but Tai Chi can also improve bone and heart health. This can help relieve pain and stiffness due to arthritis. It can even help you sleep better.

It is a row of sports suitable for people over 50 years of age. To begin with, you don't need to be too heavy. Start with a short duration, for example, 20-30 minutes a few times a week. However, you can consult further with a doctor on the type of exercise and duration that matches your physical condition.

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