Eliminate germs, increasingly compelling Hand Sanitizer or hand wash?

Not a couple clean hands with a hand sanitizer because it is increasingly functional. Contrasted with washing hands, which is increasingly viable for the disinfectant?

Because it is practical, many rely on hand sanitizer to clean the hand (hand rub). But compared with washing hands with soap and water flowing (hand wash), which is more effective to eradicate germs?

Eliminate germs, increasingly compelling Hand Sanitizer or hand wash? | GOLELY

Equally clean up, but...

Although both can be used to clean the hands of dirt, the study shows the use of hand sanitizer will not kill germs such as cold and flu causes. According to this study, the cause because the fingers and hands are still wet with mucus due to sneezing or coughing.

Researchers from Japan took a sample of mucus from some people who were exposed to flu to some volunteers. A total of 10 volunteers were then asked to use a hand sanitizer.

As a result, the ethanol contained in the hand sanitizer does not kill the flu virus, even 2 minutes after the alcohol-based cleanser has been on the fingers. According to the researchers, it took 4 minutes to deactivation the whole virus so that it is no longer an infection.

However, this study contrasted with some previous studies that showed that ethanol-based disinfectants proved effective in preventing the transmission of germs. According to the study, hand sanitizer is called more effective than water and soap. This is mainly because most people just wash their hands for 11 seconds. This time is not long enough to kill germs.

Another reason why the study contradictory was because the previous study tested the hand sanitizer on the flu virus that had dried up on the hand, as a medium for living germs and breeding.

In recent studies, it was found that viscous mucous consistency protects the virus for a long time. When the researchers asked the volunteers to use hand sanitizer on the fingers that had been exposed to the dry slime, the proved virus killed 30 seconds after using hand sanitizer.

Furthermore, the researchers plan to see the influence of a harder hand rubbing on the flu virus. They suspect the more intense rubbing movements can kill the germs.

So, which one is more effective?

Basically, washing hands with soap and running water remain more effective at eradicating germs. Unlike hand sanitizers that can only root the flu virus in dry slime, washing your hands with soap and running water can kill the flu viruses in dry or wet slime.

So, when you cough or sneeze, do the handwashing procedure as recommended, namely:

  • Moisten the hands and fingers under the water flowing, and use soap.
  • Rub all the hand surfaces covering the palms, the back of the hand, the fingers, and the bottom of the nails.
  • Rub hands for 20 seconds. If you are confused, the duration is equivalent to two singing the song "Happy Birthday". 
  • Washing hands under running water. Dry both hands using a clean tissue or towel or under the hand dryer.
At the same time to commemorate the world handwashing day, you must also know the crucial timing of handwashing is needed, namely:

  • Before, when, and after preparing food
  • Before and after meals
  • Before and after visiting or caring for the sick
  • Before and after touching or treating wounds
  • After using the toilet, changing the diaper, or cleaning the child from the toilet
  • After sneezing or cleaning the nose
  • After being in contact with animals, food, and its
  • After touching trash
  • Or when your hands look or feel dirty
Compared with hand sanitizer, wash hands with soap and water flows for 20 seconds more effective in eradicating germs, especially in the flu virus found in wet mucus. If there is no hand washing place, for a while hand sanitizer can be worn, by rubbing alcohol-made liquid in all palms and back of the hand at least 30 seconds.

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