Causes of arthritis are often overlooked

Early detection of arthritis is the first step for a good quality of life. Don't ignore, identify the cause and symptoms before it's too late!

Causes of arthritis are often overlooked | GOLELY

Arthritis or known medically with the name arthritis is a health disorder that can affect anyone, both the elderly and children. However, complaints that attack these whole body joints can also occur in all ages including children.

Arthritis is defined as a health condition involving inflammation of the joints in the body.

According to the American Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 54.4 million adults in the United States are diagnosed with this condition. Where 23.7 percent of these have been subjected to mobility.

Arthritis Symptoms
Arthritis causes symptoms that vary, depending on the affected part of the joint. In general, this condition makes the sufferer feel joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and limitation of the limbs.

Not only that, but arthritis may also cause skin redness around the joints that are experiencing inflammation. All symptoms that occur due to arthritis are felt worse in the morning, after waking up.

In the case of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), sufferers may also find it easy to get tired and lose appetite. This is because the condition is caused by an immune system activity that attacks the body's own cells.

In some cases, patients with rheumatoid arthritis may also have anemia (less blood) and fever. If the sufferer does not immediately get the right treatment, the occurrence of joint abnormalities can not be avoided anymore.

Causes of arthritis
There is no single cause of arthritis or arthritis. This condition is caused by a very varied state, according to the type or form of arthritis itself.

Most of the incidence of arthritis relates to a combination of several factors. However, some have no obvious and unpredictable causes in their appearance.

Possible causes of arthritis include:

> Injuries
Injuries involving the joints can cause inflammation and damage to the joints. If a serious injury occurs, the inside of the joint cavity may be bleeding.

The condition causes the appearance of pain and redness of the affected joint. Also, the joints feel warm when held and become difficult to move.

> Abnormal metabolism
Gout is a type of arthritis that is closely related to the diet. Because this condition occurs due to elevated levels of uric acid which is the result of the metabolism of high food purine.

You can experience gout arthritis when the hobby is eating seafood, red wine and meat. This is because these foods are high in purine content.

What about vegetables? Aren't some types of vegetables also contain high in Purin? Vegetables and another vegetable intake that contain high levels of purine are not very significant in worsening uric acid levels.

> Genetic
Certain genes and mother combinations can cause arthritis in children and adolescents.

The risk can be higher when there are additional factors, such as injuries, infections, smoking habits and work related to excessive physical activity.

> Infections
Joints can have an infection, so the function is interrupted. One type of arthritis that occurs due to infection is Lyme. Lyme Disease sufferers will experience fever, flu, fatigue, stiffness, and muscle pain.

> Autoimmune
In autoimmune conditions, the immune system that is supposed to protect the body from harmful germs even attacks its own organs. Some types of arthritis occur due to autoimmune, e.g. rheumatoid arthritis and caused lupus erythematosus (SLE).

Do not consider any trivial arthritis, any kind. This disease does give initial symptoms that are not harmful. However, if left untreated, arthritis is very likely to interfere with joint function and make you trouble moving. You don't want to miss the precious moment because of the difficulty of moving from arthritis, right?

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